Review and publish student theses in DiVA

Here, administrators will find instructions on how to review thesis records and approve them for publication in DiVA.

Degree projects in DiVA

Degree projects produced at Umeå University must be registered in DiVA (Digital Archive for Scientific Publications) and a PDF of the thesis must be uploaded for archival purposes. With the student’s consent, the thesis can also be published in full text and be made openly accessible in DiVA.

Publishing agreement for full-text publication

Students sign a publishing agreement, which is also archived in DiVA, to give their consent for full-text publication. If the thesis has multiple authors, all authors must sign the agreement. The agreement is available in Swedish and English. The department’s own publishing agreement may be used instead.

Publishing agreement for student thesis (in English)

Publishing agreement for student thesis (in Swedish)

Start the review

Once a student has registered their thesis in DiVA, you should review the registration and publish the thesis record in DiVA. This is done in three steps:

  • You check that the information the student has registered in DiVA corresponds to the information in the thesis and complete the information if necessary.
  • You archive or publish the file containing the thesis. If the thesis has multiple authors and is to be published in full text, a form with the students’ consent for full-text publication must be archived in DiVA.
  • You check that everything is correct and publish the thesis record in DiVA.

Log in to DiVA with your Umu-id.

Click on “Publish”. Here you will find a list of thesis records that you are authorised to administer.

Click on the record that you want to review.

If a thesis record that you are supposed to review is missing, it may be because:

  • The student has not entered the correct institution (and possibly programme) during registration. In that case, the record will not be visible to you as an administrator.
  • The record has already been published. Check this by searching for the thesis in DiVA.

Contact the library if you cannot find the thesis record in DiVA.

1. Check information

You should now check that the information entered by the student in DiVA corresponds to the information in the thesis. If any information is missing, please complete it.

  • Click on the full text link at the top left of the field to open the thesis file.
  • Check that the file contains the approved version of the thesis.
  • If the file cannot be opened, or if it is the wrong version of the thesis, ask the student to send a new file. The student cannot subsequently change the DiVA record themselves.
  • Check that the thesis does not contain any sensitive personal data.

The following information should be registered in the DiVA record. The department may have decided that other information in addition to this should be included.

  • Author(s) (name and institution)
  • Title
  • Degree (thesis level and number of credits)
  • Year
  • Number of pages
  • National subject category

Once you have checked the information, click Continue.

2. Upload files

In this step, you should either archive or publish the file containing the thesis. If the thesis has multiple authors and is to be published in full text, a form with the students’ consent for full-text publication must be archived in DiVA.

Approve archiving by clicking on the grey arrow to the right of the full text. Click Continue.

Choose “Make freely available now” if the thesis is to published without delay. Choose “Make freely available later” if there is an embargo for the full text publishing. When choosing “Make freely available later” a new date field will appear, where you can fill in the date of publication of the full text.

Publish the full text by clicking on the green arrow to the right of the full text.

Theses with multiple authors:

  • If the consent form has been uploaded by the student, archive it by clicking on the grey arrow to the right of the form.
  • If there is no consent form, upload and archive one (see the section “Upload consent form”).
  • Click on Upload more files.
  • When should the file be made freely available? Select “Only for archiving”.
  • Type: Select “attachment” and “PDF”.
  • Click on Browse and select the file with the students’ consent for full-text publication. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear in the list of “Uploaded files”.

Click on the red cross to the right of the file to delete it.

  • When should the file be made freely available? Select whether the file with the thesis should be made freely available or if it should only be archived in DiVA.
  • Type: Select “full text” and “PDF”.
  • Click on Browse and select the file with the thesis. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear in the list of “Uploaded files”.
  • If the thesis is only to be archived: Proceed to the next step by clicking Continue.
  • If the thesis is to be made freely available: Click on the green arrow to the right of the file to publish it. Tick the box “I accept the publication terms”.
  • Click Continue.

3. Review and Publish

Here you will see a summary of the registered information. Please check that everything is correct. If you need to make any changes, click on Edit information or Back.

When should the record be published in DiVA?

In the field “Available from”, you can select the date (and time, if necessary) for when the thesis record should be published in DiVA. If the record should be published immediately, leave the field blank.

Modify a published record

You can make changes to records in DiVA for which you have administrative rights. For example, you can modify information in the record, delete the record, or unpublish it. If you need to make changes, log in to DiVA and click on Modify/Delete record.

Contact the Library

If you encounter any problems or have questions regarding the registration and publication of theses, please contact the library. Select the category “Publication, theses and research data”.

Contact the library