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Go to Going abroad?
The search tool allows you to find available exchange destinations based on filters. It may be possible for you to apply for an exchange place that is linked to another department than where you study. Ask the International Contact Person at your department which opportunities are available for you.
The ’Your home unit’ can be used to see only departmental agreements, e.g. Department of Sociology.
Selecting ’Umeå University’ will display all university-wide agreements (the university-wide agreements are open to all students from all faculties with a few exceptions)
Advanced search
Click on ‘Advanced search’ to display all possible search criteria.
‘Your home unit’ allows you to search for exchange places linked to a specific department, for example Department of Sociology.
‘Place is available’ allows you to select a specific term. Some exchange places are not available for both spring and autumn term.
‘Application period’ allows you to select a specific call/announcement (utlysning). You will find all announcements by subject/department, and which dates the announcement is open.
View results
The results are displayed on the world map, and in a list below the map, sorted by country.
Under the partner university’s name, you’ll see which department or faculty the agreement is linked to.
Note! All partner universities might not appear on the map, due to the fact that addresses are missing.
View more information about each search result
If you click on the search results below the map, you will more information about the exchange place and destination.
Click on the arrow to the right and detailed information will be displayed.
In the ‘Enclosures’ field you’ll find a fact sheet if it has been attached.