Register and publish student thesis in DiVA

Undergraduate theses produced at Umeå University must be registered in DiVA (Digital Archive for Scientific Publications). A PDF of the thesis should be uploaded for archival purposes. With the student’s consent, the thesis can also be published in full text and be made openly accessible in DiVA.

Publishing agreement for full-text publication

Students sign a publishing agreement, which is also archived in DiVA, to give their consent for full-text publication. If the thesis has multiple authors, all authors must sign the agreement. The agreement is available in Swedish and English. The department’s own publishing agreement may be used instead.

Publishing agreement for student thesis (in English)

Publishing agreement for student thesis (in Swedish)

Start the registration

Registration in DiVA is a three-step process:

  1. Fill in the details about the thesis.
  2. Upload a PDF of the thesis. If the thesis is to be published in full text, also upload a form with the student(s)’ consent for full-text publication in DiVA.
  3. Check that the information you have entered is correct and then publish the thesis record in DiVA.

1. Fill in the details about the thesis

About the thesis authors

Enter all thesis authors. If the thesis has multiple authors, click on “Another author” to add them. Enter the authors in the same order as they appear in the thesis.

Fill in the student’s first and last name.

Click on Choose  organisation and search or click through the tree structure using the buttons marked with + and – until you find the right institution/unit.

Fill in the student’s e-mail address so that the student receives an e-mail when the thesis has been published in DiVA. The e-mail address is not shown in the published DiVA record.

If the author of the thesis belongs to a university other than Umeå University, enter this in this field.

About the thesis

Indicate whether the student has collaborated with an external party outside the university. Enter the name of the external party in the field.

Enter the thesis title, any subtitle, and select the language from the dropdown list. If the thesis also has a title in another language, you can enter it in the fields for “Alternative title”.

Specify the degree level and the number of credits the thesis comprises.

Specify the study programme and subject/course if applicable.

If the thesis constitutes research in an artistic field, check the box for “Artistic work”.

Enter the year in which the thesis was approved.

Enter the number of pages. The number of pages should be the same as the last numbered page in the thesis.

If the thesis is part of a series, select the series from the dropdown list and enter the number of the thesis within the series. If the series is not listed, fill in the fields for “Other series”.

The fields for identifiers are usually not used for student theses.

Click on “Choose national subject category” and select the subject category or categories that best describe the content of the thesis. Choose as specific a category as possible. Search or navigate through the tree structure using the buttons marked with + until you find a suitable category.

If you want to remove a selected category, click on the red cross to the right of the category.

If keywords are given in the thesis, enter them in the field and select the language from the dropdown list. Keywords should be separated by commas.

If keywords are available in multiple languages, click on “Keywords in another language” and fill in the field.

Enter the thesis summary and select the language from the dropdown list.

If you paste text that you have copied from the thesis, check that the spacing and paragraph divisions look the same as in the thesis and that no unwanted characters have been added.

If the summary is available in multiple languages, click on “Another abstract” and fill in the field.

Enter the supervisor’s name and organisational affiliation.

If the student has had several supervisors, click on “Another supervisor” to add them.

Enter the examiner’s name and organisational affiliation.

If the student has had several examiners, click on “Another examiner” to add them.

Optionally, enter information about the presentation/public discussion and examination.

2. Upload the PDF of the thesis for archiving and publication

You should now upload a file containing the student thesis. If the thesis is to be published in full text, you must also upload and archive a form with the student(s)’ consent for full-text publication in DiVA.

Select whether the file with the thesis should be made freely available or if it should only be archived in DiVA.

Select “full text” and “PDF”.

Click on “Välj fil” (= “choose file”) and select the file containing the thesis. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear in the list of “Uploaded files”.

If the thesis is only to be archived: Proceed to the next step by clicking “Continue“.

If the thesis is to be made freely available: Click on the green arrow to the right of the file to publish it. Also upload the form with the student(s)’ consent for full-text publication.

Click on “Upload more files”.

When should the file be made freely available? Select “Only for archiving”.

Type: Select “attachment” and “PDF”.

Click on “Browse” and select the file containing the student(s)’ consent for full-text publication. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear in the list of “Uploaded files”.

Tick the box “I accept the publication terms”. (The students have accepted the publication terms by completing the consent form.)

Click “Continue”.

If you need to delete a file, click on the red cross to the right of the file.

3. Review and publish

Here you will see a summary of the information you have entered.

Check that everything is correct. If you want to change anything, click on “Edit information” or “Back“.

Also check that you can open the PDF file you have uploaded by clicking on the red full-text link under “Attachments”.

When should the record be published in DiVA?

In the field “Available from”, select the date (and time, if necessary) when the thesis record should be published in DiVA. If the record should be published immediately, select today’s date.

Click on “Submit“.

The thesis registration in DiVA is now complete. If you chose to publish the record immediately, it is now searchable in DiVA.

Modify a published record

You can make changes to records in DiVA for which you have administrative rights. For example, you can modify information in the record, delete the record, or unpublish it.

If you need to make changes, log in to DiVA and click on “Edit/Delete record“.

Contact the library

Contact the library if you encounter any problems or have questions regarding the registration and publication of theses. Select the category “Publishing, theses and research data”.

Contact the library