Register student thesis/degree project in DiVA

This manual is aimed at students registering for a student/master thesis in DiVA.

Registration of theses at Umeå University

  • Degree projects and student theses at Umeå University must be registered in DiVA.
  • The thesis must be uploaded in PDF format and archived in DiVA.
  • If you give your approval during registration, the thesis will also be published in full text in DiVA.
  • You must state at which department the work is written.

Register thesis with several authors

If you are registering a thesis to be published in full text and there are several authors, all must sign a publishing agreement. You can upload the signed agreement in DiVA yourself. This will be archived in DiVA and will not be publicly visible.

If your department does not have its own publishing agreement, you can use the form below:

Publishing agreement for student thesis

Review and publishing of thesis

  • The registration is checked by the thesis administrator at your department.
  • The thesis administrator then publishes what you have registered in DiVA.
  • Any questions regarding registration and publication of the work in DiVA should be addressed to the department’s thesis administrator.

Start your registration

Log in to DiVA using your Umu-id.


Select publication type “Student thesis” and click “Continue”.

The registration is carried out in three steps:

  1. Fill in information about your thesis.
  2. Upload a PDF version of your thesis.
  3. Review all details and submit your registration for final approval.

Fill in information about the authors of the thesis – yourself and any potential co-authors. Fill in information about your thesis and the degree to which the thesis is a part.

Mandatory fields are marked with * in the manual.

Author information

Fill in your last name and first name. If there are several authors, please click “Another author” and fill in the co-authors details. Enter the authors in the same order as they appear on the thesis title sheet.

Filling in Umu-id (Local user id) is not mandatory but recommended. Your Umu-id is a permanent identifier that ensures you are linked to your thesis even if you change names or share the same name with someone else.

Click “Choose organisation” and use the + and—symbols to search for or find your department/section in the list.

Please note that it is crucial that you choose the correct department/section in order for your thesis to be registered and approved. If unsure, please ask your supervisor or a thesis administrator in your department/section.

Fill in your email address if you want to receive a confirmation email when your student thesis has been registered and when your department has approved the registration. Your email address will not be publicly visible.

This field should only be filled in if the student thesis was written at another university. This field must be left empty if you wrote the thesis at Umeå University.

Please state if you have cooperated with any external partners outside the University. The external partner’s name is then specified in the text field.

About the student thesis

State the title of the thesis, any potential subtitle, and the language of the title.

If your thesis has a title in another language, this is to be entered in the field “Alternative title”, and the language must be selected from the listed options.

This field describes the degree level that the thesis aims to achieve.

Select the thesis level and how many university credits the thesis involves.

Select your educational programme and subject/course in the listed options. If your education is not included in the lists, you can continue without filling in these fields.

Please specify the year when the thesis was finally approved.

Enter the number of pages. The number of pages to enter should be the same as the last numbered page of the thesis. Appendices must not be included in the number of pages.

If your student thesis is part of a series, select the series from the listed options and fill in the number of your student thesis in the series.

Please enter the details in the “Other series” section if the series is not listed.

Most student theses are not included in a series.

You can fill in permanent identifiers linked to the publication in the identifier field.

Please follow their instructions if your department/section has instructed you to fill these fields.

If you have not been instructed to fill in the fields, please leave them empty.

Choose a national subject category from the listed options. You can search for or find your category using the + and – symbols.

Choose the (or those) subject categories that best correspond to your subject – it doesn’t matter if it’s not an accurate description.

You can enter the subjects you find best describe your thesis in the text field under keywords. Keywords should be short and consist of one or a few words. You can add several keywords after another. Separate your keywords with commas.

Copy and paste the “abstract” or “summary” used in your thesis.

Read through and make sure the text looks correct. Pay particular attention to spaces and paragraphing, and make sure no extra characters have been accidentally included. The paragraphing is correct if there is a space between paragraphs.

Enter the supervisor’s and the examiner’s names. If you have several supervisors, you can use the button “Another supervisor” or “Another examiner” to add them.

You do not have to enter further details if you have not been given more information about your supervisor or examiner from your department/section or supervisor.

You do not need to enter a presentation unless your department has instructed you to do so.

Upload thesis for archiving and publication

It is mandatory to upload a file with your thesis in DiVA. In DiVA, you can choose between archiving the file only or making it openly available simultaneously as you archive it.

Tick the box if the content of your thesis is confidential. In this case, you must also indicate the file number of the confidentiality decision. Contact the thesis administrator at your department if you have questions about this.

Here, you choose whether you want the thesis archived only or published freely available for everyone to read. Archiving is mandatory and means that the thesis is saved for the future.

Make it freely available now: If you want the thesis to be available to search and read in DiVA, it will also be archived.

Make it freely available later: If you want to make the thesis freely available, but after some time. The thesis will also be archived.

Archive only: If you only want to archive your thesis and don’t want others to be able to find and read it.

You can also choose to publish the file openly accessible but set a date for when you want it to be hidden.

Enter dates in the fields that are relevant to your choice. Not relevant fields will be greyed out and cannot be filled in.

The information you have registered about the thesis (metadata such as author, title, abstract, etc.) will be visible to anyone searching in DiVA, even if you only choose to archive the thesis.

Select “full text” and “pdf”. Make sure that the file you are uploading is also saved in PDF format.

Leave the field “Name file” empty.

The thesis/degree project must be uploaded as a PDF file in A4 format. The entire thesis must be in a single PDF file, including the title page and appendices.

The title page contains information about the author, title, and thesis level. It should also indicate that the thesis is written at Umeå University. Use the templates for title pages provided by the university. Ask your department/unit or supervisor which template you should use.

If the thesis is to be published in full text with several authors, upload the signed consent form here.

You can either upload your file from your computer by clicking “Select file” or, if your thesis is larger than 1GB, through a URL address.

Click on “Upload”.

Please read and accept the publishing conditions before making your thesis freely available. By ticking the box, you agree to have your thesis published in DiVA. If the thesis contains parts (for example, images) where someone else has the copyright, you must have permission from that person to publish the thesis in full text.

If you have only chosen to archive the thesis, the box about publishing conditions will not appear.

Review, publish and archive

The last page of the form shows the information you have filled in. Check that everything is correct. If you want to change anything, click “Change data” or “Back”. Also check that you can open the PDF file you uploaded by clicking on the red full-text link.

When all the information is correct and the file can be opened, click “Submit”.

What happens next?

Once you have submitted your thesis, the registration is checked by an administrator at your department/equivalent before it becomes visible in DiVA. Therefore, you will not be able to see your thesis in DiVA immediately after registering it.

When the administrator has published/archived the thesis, you can find it via DiVA, and search services such as Google Scholar. If you have provided your e-mail address, you will receive a confirmation when the thesis/degree project has been registered and another confirmation when it has been published/archived.

Do you want to correct a mistake, are you in a hurry to publish, or are you wondering if your registration was correct? Contact the thesis administrator at your department/unit for help.