Create a new site in a current SharePoint webpage

This manual describe how to create a new site in a current SharePoint webpage.

  1. Go to the SharePoint webpage where you want to create a new site.
  2. Click on +New and then site.
  3. Choose a form and then Create site.

Build your SharePoint site

Here we show you how to build your SharePoint site and how to adjust header, sections and webb.

Adjust header

  1. Mark the text header to edit it.
  2. Hover your mouse on the header and four choices will show.
  • Choose the first icon (a pen) if you want to edit the header. Choose picture to choose a new picture. You can also choose a new focus for the picture.
  • Choose the second icon (picture) to change picture on the header.
  • Choose the third icon (focus) to adjust the focus of the picture in the header.
  • Choose the fourth icon (return) to restore to the standard format of the header.

Adjust your layout

  1. Go to the vertical menu to the left on SharePoint.
  2. Click on the plus if you want to add a section and choose the layout you want. You can create more avsnitts, you do that by click on the + under the created avsnitt.

Add to Webb parts

  1.  Click on within the created section and choose Web parts.
  2. There are more web parts to choose among, for example text, picture, files, videos. Search for a part in the search bar or scroll down to see what parts you want to choose.
  3. When you’ve chosen a web part you can edit or adjust if how you want.
  4. In the left menu:
  • Choose the first icon (pen) to edit the web part.
  • Choose the second icon (navigation) to move web parts by drag and drop.
  • Choose the third icon (duplication) to copy a web part.
  • Choose the fourth icon (trashcan) to delete a web part.

5. In the right horisontal menu:

  • Choose the first icon to adjust size on the web part.
  • Choose the second icon to crop the web part.
  • Choose the third icon to adjust length and width.
  • Choose the fourth icon to adjust the place of the web parts.
  • Choose the fifth icon to restore a web part to how it looked from the beginning.
  • Choose the sixth icon to save a web part.

When your done with your site choose Publish or Save as draft if your now ready to publish yet. If you want to keep edit, click Edit.