How your files are stored (Files on demand)

Below, we’ll describe what “Files on demand” means, and how your OneDrive files might be stored on your PC.

What is OneDrive Files on Demand?

  • Files on Demand is a built-in feature in OneDrive that allows you to choose how you want your files to be stored.
  • You can save space on your computer by making files available only online.
  • Make sure files are always available on your device, whether you have internet or not.
  • Files on demand also apply to files you’ve synced to your OneDrive from, for example, Teams, or shared libraries.

Below, you can learn more about what the different symbols mean that you can see on your OneDrive files in your explorer:

On the files and folders you see this blue cloud: Image showing files on demand symbol it means that the files are only available online, and do not take up space on your computer. You’ll see these files directly in Windows Explorer, but won’t download until you open them. You also need to be connected to the internet to open these files. For those of you who use a Mac, the symbol looks like this: Image showing files on demand symbol

The files and folders where you see this green checkmark: Image showing files on demand symbol are files that are online files, but when you open them, they are downloaded and become a locally available file. Right-click on the file and select “free up space”. Thus, these files are both online files and files that are available locally on your device. For those of you who use Mac, you will not see a symbol next to your file.

The files and folders where you’ll see this green checkmark: Image showing files on demand symbol are files that you’ve actively chosen to keep on your device at all times. These files are downloaded and take up space on your device, and you can access them at any time, even without an internet connection. For those of you who use a Mac, the symbol looks like this: Image showing files on demand symbol

Other symbols in your OneDrive

Aside from these three symbols, you may also see other symbols on your files or on your OneDrive icon on your taskbar, such as a pause icon, exclamation mark, or warning triangle. Keep an eye out for symbols on your OneDrive cloud. You can click on your OneDrive icon on the taskbar to see what the error is and how it can be resolved. Here’s what the symbols might look like:
Image showing OneDrive symbol Image showing OneDrive symbol Image showing OneDrive symbol Image showing OneDrive symbol

Do you want to keep your files on your computer at all times?

If you want to keep all your OneDrive files on your computer, and thus always have access to them offline, you can right-click on the OneDrive folder in your menu on the left side of your explorer, and then select “Always keep on this device”. This is not something we recommend, as it is often better to select specific documents and folders that want to be kept on the device. That way, it won’t take up unnecessary space on your computer. Here’s how to keep your OneDrive files on your device.

Download your OneDrive files to your device

In this manual, we’ll tell you how to download all your OneDrive files to your computer, so you can use the files even when you don’t have access to internet.

  1. Open your explorer on your computer
  2. In the menu to the left you will find OneDrive under the blue OneDrive cloud + your name + Umeå University. Right-click on it, and select Always keep on this device. You can also do this on individual folders and files if you only want to keep specific documents on your device.
    Image showing how to download all your files
  3. Done! Once you have done this, you will see that all the content in your OneDrive will have a green check mark next to it (Image showing files on demand symbol), which means that they are now on your device and you do not need to be connected to the internet to open or work with the files.

Blocked account due to risk use in Microsoft 365

This manual describes how to handle if your account has been banned due to suspicious activity that indicates a high risk to your account, and you are considered a risky user. To restore your account, you’ll need to reset your password.

If your account is blocked due to risky usage, you will receive a block and will not be able to use Microsoft 365 with your UMU account. Then you’ll see this window below:
Image showing what it looks like when a your account is blocked

To restore your account and recieve access to it you need to reset your password:

  1. Go to Click on “I have forgotten my Umu-ID and/or password”.
    Image showing your settings in the administrator tool
  2. Under Reset password, select the option that’s right for you.
    Image showing where to reset your password
  3. Now, type in your new password, and then click Save.
    Image showing how to reset your password
  4. Done! Now you’ve reset your password and can log in to your UMU-account with your new password.

Run-time error 53 on Office 365 for Mac

Every time that I open either Word or PowerPoint, I get the Run-time error ’53


  1. Open Word
  2. Go to the menu Tools -> Templates and Add-ins…
  3. Under Global Templates and Add-ins, remove the item linkCreation.dotm
  4. Close Word application
  5. Go to /Users/your-user-name-here/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word/
  6. Remove linkCreation.dotm
  7. Restart Word and problem should go away.


  1. Go to /Users/your-user-name-here/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/PowerPoint/
  2. Remove SaveAsAdobePDF.ppam
  3. Launch PowerPoint
  4. Go to the menu Tools -> PowerPoint Add-ins…
  5. Remove the Save as Adobe PDF add-in
  6. Restart PowerPoint and the problem should go away.

Version history for files in Microsoft 365

In this manual, we’ll go through where to find version history of your documents in OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint. Version history can save up to 500 versions of a document, and a new version is created each time you make a change to the document. Below is a description of how to do this and where to find the feature.

Open a file that you’ve saved in Microsoft 365. It can be a Word-document, PowerPoint, or Excel.

  1. Click at the top of the document where the title of the file appears.
    Image showing where to find the version history
  2. In the box that appears, click at the bottom on Version history.
    Image showing where ti find the version history
  3. You will now see a box on the right with a list of previous versions of a document. Click on Open version to see a previous version.
    Image showing how to open a previous version of a document
  4. Now you will get a new window where you can see what the document looked like before. Here you can choose to Compare with the current version or to Restore the documents to this previous version. If you do, a new version of the document will be created. If you don’t want to restore or compare, close the document.
    Image showing how to compare or revert the document

Clear the Teams client cache

If you’re experiencing issues that affect Microsoft Teams, clearing the cache on your device may help.

How to use Copilot Chat

The chat is available to all employees of the university and to those affiliated with an A5 license.

  1. Open your browser and go to
  2.  If you are not already logged in, log in with your Umu ID
  3. Click on Log in in the menu at the top
  4. Select “Log in with work or school account”
  5. Log in with and your password.

Block or release quarantined email

When an email has ended up in the spam filter,  you will receive an e-mail from the sender that you have an email in quarantine. If you believe the message to be safe, you can choose to let it through so it ends up in your inbox. If the message is spam, you don’t need to do anything, it will be automatically deleted in 30 days. 

 This is what the message looks like: 

Select Release to send the message to your inbox.

Select Block sender to block the sender. 

Select Review Message to review the message to decide whether or not to let it go through. You will then see this view: 

Select the message and whether you want to release or delete it.

Record meetings in Teams

In this manual, we describe how to record digital meetings in Teams, and where to find the recording when the meeting is over. Please note that it is important that you notify the participants in the meeting beforehand so they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded.  

Think before you record a meeting 

Ideally, avoid recording meetings unless you absolutely have to. Rather, write memos to document the meeting. If you still want to record a meeting, you should: 

  • Inform the participants in the meeting before so they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded. 
  • Ensure that the information recorded does not contain sensitive data. 

Join a Teams meeting

  1. After you start or join a teams meeting, click More, and then  click Record and Transcribe.
    Image showing how to record you meeting
  2. Now you will bring up another box, click Start recording when you are ready. Here you can also choose to Start transcription, if you want to transcribe the meeting.
    Image showing how to start recording your meeting
  3. When you want to end the recording, do the same as when you started recording. You go to More and then Record and Transcribe, then click Stop recording.  Recording also stops automatically when the meeting ends.
    Image showing how to stop recording your meeting
  4. Now you have made a recording of your Teams meeting. It may take a few minutes for the recording to be saved. The recording will be automatically saved in the meeting chat after the meeting is finished. Depending on the type of Teams meeting you recorded, the recording will be saved in different places 
    Channel meeting: The recording is saved in a folder under “Files” in the channel’s SharePoint, where all members of the team have access to it.  
    Regular meeting: The recording is saved in the “Recordings” folder on OneDrive for the one who started the recording. 

Automatic recording 

Before the meeting begins, you can choose to have it recorded automatically. Go to Meeting Options, and then check Record automatically. If you choose to do this, it is important that the participants in the meeting agree before the meeting starts that it is okay to be recorded.
Image showing meeting options in Teams

Transfer a call

1. When you’re in a call, select More actions > Transfer in your call controls.

2. Start typing the name of the person or phone number you want to transfer the call to and select them when they appear.

3. If you are transferring to another Teams user, turn on Ring back if there’s no answer to send the call back to you if the recipient doesn’t answer. If this setting is not turned on the call will be transferred to the recipient voicemail if there is no answer. If you get the call back the popup toast will show that the recipient was not reached.

4. Select Transfer to complete the transfer.

Consult then transfer

You may want to check in with someone before you transfer a call.

Note: Consult then transfer is not available in Teams for the web.

1. When you’re in a call, select More actions   > Consult then transfer.

2. Under Choose a person to consult, start typing the name of the person you want to reach or a phone number and select them when they appear.

3. Consult with them by calling or using chat. Click on the chat button to start a chat, or select Teams audio call from the drop down options.

4. When you’re ready, hit Transfer to complete the transfer.