Download Matlab

Matlab for students

  • Go to the page: Create a user and enter your student email address which is: where “abcd1234” should be your UmU ID.
  • NOTE: Note that you must enter your student email ending with “”. Your email address is therefore not “” and not “”. You have probably seen these usernames when you log into various systems at the University, but they are not e-mail addresses and it is not possible to send e-mail to them.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from Mathworks sent to your student email. It is common for the confirmation email to end up in the junk folder.
  • If you have not forwarded emails from your student email, you can read them here:
  • Otherwise, the process is the same as when you create a user on any other website. When you are finished, you can download and install Matlab on your own computer. You can also use the online version of Matlab.