Copy, delete or move a form or quiz in Forms

In this manual we decribe how you copy, delete or move a form or quiz. 

  1. Go to Sign in with your Umu-ID.
  2. Select Forms in the left menu. If you cannot see it there, select All applications and then Forms.
  3. You have now entered your own Forms portal. Select All my forms below your recently opened forms.
    Copy, delete, or move a form - forms portal

Copy form

  1. Chose the form you want to copy, place the pointer on it, and select the three dots and then Copy.
  2. A copy of the form will be created among your saved forms. 
    copy form


Delete form

  1. Chose the form you want to delete, place the pointer on it, and select the three dots then Delete.
    delete form
  2. When you have deleted a form it will be moved to the recycle bin and can be found there.
    Image showing where to find the recycle bin in Forms
  3. In the recycle bin you can restore the form och delete it completely. Click on the three dots of the form you want to delete/restore to do this.
    Image showing how to restore och delete deleted forms

Move form

  1. Chose the form you want to move, place the pointer on it, and select the three dots and then Move.
    move form
  2. A menu will open, and you will see the groups (teams) you can move your form to. Choose a group and then Move.
    move form - select group
  3. You have now moved the form from your personal Forms portal to the group’s portal. A notification will tell you where the form has been moved to.
  4. Select the group name (in this case Project A) to enter the group’s Forms portal.
    Move form - notification
  5. Here you can see members of the group and all forms that are shared in the group.
    Moved form to group form example

For more information about group forms, see manual: Create and mange group forms