Create questions for a quiz in Forms

In this manual we will show all types of questions that can be created in a quiz. Use a quiz to test the knowledge of a group. If you want to create a survey to collect data instead, se our manual for that: Create questions for a form in Forms

Add a new question

  1. Open the form you want to add questions to.
  2. Select Add new to add a new question.
    create questions in a quiz - add new buttom
  3. You will see a panel with the options: Choice, Text, Rating, and Date. Select the question you want to add. You can also select the arrow to get more questions to choose from (Ranking, Likert, File upload or Net Promoter Score).
    choose question quiz
  4. These settings are available for all question types:
    1. Copy the question.
    2. Delete the question.
    3. Change the order of the question (move it up or down).
    4. Insert media, you can choose an image or a video.
    5. Add points to the question.
    6. Decide if the question requires an answer.
  5. all features in a quiz question


Question types

In this section we describe the different types of questions you can add to a quiz.  


Choice question

A choice  question allows you to add answer options to a question. You can add more than 100 different options.

choice question


  1. Add your question.
  2. Place the pointer on your options. You will have three choices:
    1. Select the trash can to delete the option.
    2. Select the chat icon to create a message that will be shown to anyone who chooses this alternative.
    3. Select the check mark icon to mark the option as the correct answer. (You can have multiple right choices for a question, but then you have to mark each option as the correct answer).
  3. Add an option.
  4. Decide if the respondents can choose multiple answers.
  5. Select the three dots to get more options: shuffle options, drop-down list, math, subtitle or add branching.
  6. Select Add new to save the question and add another one.
    choice question - quiz - full decription

Text question

A text question allows the respondents to write a text to answer the question.

text question

  1. Add your question.
  2. Add the correct answer(s).
  3. Decide if the respondents will be able to write a long answer.
  4. Select the three dots to add a subtitle, restrictions, math or add branching.
  5. Select Add new to save the question and add another one.
    text question - quiz - full decription

Rating question

Use rating question when you aim to understand a respondent’s experience or opinion.

Date question

Date question can be used when you want the respondent to fill in a date.

Ranking question

A ranking question allows the respondents to grade the options by dragging and dropping them.

  1. Select the arrow, and then Ranking. 
    ranking question
  2. Add your question.
  3. Add the options in the correct order. You can change the order by dragging and dropping the options. (When you share your quiz, the options will appear in a random order).
  4. Select Add option to add more answer options. The maximum is 10.
  5. Select the three dots to add a subtitle or branching.
  6. Select Add new to save the question and add another one.
    ranking question - quiz - full decription

Likert question

Likert question is suited when you aim to understand a respondent’s experience or opinion.

File upload question

A file upload allows the respondents to upload a file as an answer to the question.

  1. Select the arrow, and then File upload.
  2. file upload question
  3. Add your question.
  4. Select the arrow next to File number limit to decide how many files the respondent can upload. The maximum is 10 files.
  5. Select the arrow next to Single file size limit to decide the size limit (10MB, 100MD or 1GB).
  6. Select the tree dots to add a subtitle or branching. You can also choose the allowed file types (see picture).
  7. Select Add new to save the question and add another one.
    file upload question - quiz - full decription

Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score is suited for when you aim to understand a respondent’s experience or opinion.