Install eduroam manually
A collection of guides for different operating systems on how to connect to eduroam manually.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Erik Öhman contributed 54 entries already.
A collection of guides for different operating systems on how to connect to eduroam manually.
How to clear browser cache, cookies and history in Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Mobile Safari and Android.
Information about methods to activate your Umu-id and other things related to your account at Umeå University.
As a student or employee, you need an Umu-id to be able to log into most of the university’s systems and services, such as Canvas, Intranet and administrative systems. As a student, you will receive your Umu-id automatically when you are admitted to one of our courses. Employees receive your Umu-id when you are entered […]
Information about the wireless network at the Umeå University campus.