Entries by Jonas Sundström

Run-time error 53 on Office 365 for Mac

Every time that I open either Word or PowerPoint, I get the Run-time error ’53 Word Open Word Go to the menu Tools -> Templates and Add-ins… Under Global Templates and Add-ins, remove the item linkCreation.dotm Close Word application Go to /Users/your-user-name-here/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word/ Remove linkCreation.dotm Restart Word and problem should go away. PowerPoint Go […]

Delete groups in Microsoft 365

Delete groups in the tool  You can delete groups in the respective tools where the group is located, such as Planner, SharePoint, and Teams. Note that if you delete a group, you delete everything that belongs to the group. For example, if you delete a group in Planner, you delete the SharePoint site and possibly […]

Most common Excel problems in LimeSurvey

The following is a list of the most common problems with Excel in LimeSurvey. Editing a .csv It is NOT recommended to use Excel to edit .csv files becaue Excel does changes in the data structure of a .csv file which will result in a fail during your import.   It is recommended to use Libre […]

Change primary e-mail for you who are a student

As Umeå University has switched to the new Ladok, it may be that the e-mail address you have used for your studies here is no longer the same as in Ladok. This may affect the ability to receive notifications from Canvas. Therefore, you need to log in and check your email address. Step 1 Go […]

Anti-spam UmU

On a normal day, the university receives a few million emails, most of which are stopped immediately because the server/address that sent the email has been classified as someone who sends spam. The remaining mail is then analyzed and approx. 10,000 are then classified as spam and stored in the user’s spam quarantine. About 5,000 […]

Computer Labs

There are a few computers around the university that are open for all students to use.  These belong to the University Librarys computer labs. There is also a computer lab in the Medical Library (building 6M NUS) All other computer labs are the responsibility of individual departments.  Students of those respective departments have access to […]

Booking group rooms at Universum

Booking Universum has a few group rooms available that you as a student can book. Group rooms are booked via the University library’s homepage. To be able to see the booking page surf to http://www.ub.umu.se/en/booking To be able to book a group room you need a student email to confirm your booking.  If you need an […]

How do I get access to Microsofts developers tools?

Umeå universitet gives active students access to MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (has replaced MS Imagine), containing the most common development tools from Microsoft. The use is for scientific/technical studies or evaluation for this purpose. You will e.g. not get access to MS Office. The Windows versions accessible through MS Azure Dev Tools for […]

Logging in at Universityadmissions.se

You can log in to universityadmissions.se via Swedish Universities with help of your Umu-id. To login at universityadmissions.se do the following: 1. Go in to the website https://www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start and click on the Log in tab in the upper right. 2. Go to Log in with university account and select Umeå University from the drop down list and […]