Clear the Teams client cache

If you’re experiencing issues that affect Microsoft Teams, clearing the cache on your device may help.

Record meetings in Teams

In this manual, we describe how to record digital meetings in Teams, and where to find the recording when the meeting is over. Please note that it is important that you notify the participants in the meeting beforehand so they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded.  

Think before you record a meeting 

Ideally, avoid recording meetings unless you absolutely have to. Rather, write memos to document the meeting. If you still want to record a meeting, you should: 

  • Inform the participants in the meeting before so they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded. 
  • Ensure that the information recorded does not contain sensitive data. 

Join a Teams meeting

  1. After you start or join a teams meeting, click More, and then  click Record and Transcribe.
    Image showing how to record you meeting
  2. Now you will bring up another box, click Start recording when you are ready. Here you can also choose to Start transcription, if you want to transcribe the meeting.
    Image showing how to start recording your meeting
  3. When you want to end the recording, do the same as when you started recording. You go to More and then Record and Transcribe, then click Stop recording.  Recording also stops automatically when the meeting ends.
    Image showing how to stop recording your meeting
  4. Now you have made a recording of your Teams meeting. It may take a few minutes for the recording to be saved. The recording will be automatically saved in the meeting chat after the meeting is finished. Depending on the type of Teams meeting you recorded, the recording will be saved in different places 
    Channel meeting: The recording is saved in a folder under “Files” in the channel’s SharePoint, where all members of the team have access to it.  
    Regular meeting: The recording is saved in the “Recordings” folder on OneDrive for the one who started the recording. 

Automatic recording 

Before the meeting begins, you can choose to have it recorded automatically. Go to Meeting Options, and then check Record automatically. If you choose to do this, it is important that the participants in the meeting agree before the meeting starts that it is okay to be recorded.
Image showing meeting options in Teams

Transfer a call

1. When you’re in a call, select More actions > Transfer in your call controls.

2. Start typing the name of the person or phone number you want to transfer the call to and select them when they appear.

3. If you are transferring to another Teams user, turn on Ring back if there’s no answer to send the call back to you if the recipient doesn’t answer. If this setting is not turned on the call will be transferred to the recipient voicemail if there is no answer. If you get the call back the popup toast will show that the recipient was not reached.

4. Select Transfer to complete the transfer.

Consult then transfer

You may want to check in with someone before you transfer a call.

Note: Consult then transfer is not available in Teams for the web.

1. When you’re in a call, select More actions   > Consult then transfer.

2. Under Choose a person to consult, start typing the name of the person you want to reach or a phone number and select them when they appear.

3. Consult with them by calling or using chat. Click on the chat button to start a chat, or select Teams audio call from the drop down options.

4. When you’re ready, hit Transfer to complete the transfer.

Log-in/log-out from Call Queues in Teams

When you are assigned as an agent in a Teams Call Queue, it is possible to opt-in (sign in) and opt-out (sign out). It is only when you are in opt-in status that you will get calls from the Call Queue routed to your Teams client.

Call Queues can be configured so you only get calls when you are in the status “Available” (Green).

The option to sign out and in can be disabled for some Call Queues, talk to the owner of the Call Queue if you are not able to use this function.

1. Open Settings in Teams by clicking on the three dots next to your profile image and select Settings.

Settings in Teams

2. Open Calls in the left hand menu in settings and scroll down and you will see all Call Queues that you are assigned to. Click on the toggle switch to opt-in or opt-out.

Calls settings in Teams

Opt-in status  

Opt-out status

If the Call Queue you are using is attached to a Teams channel you can opt-in / opt-out directly from that channel in Teams.

1. Open the channel your Call Queue is connected to and select the Calls tab.

2. Next to your name click on the toggle switch to opt-in / opt-out.

Switch next to your name

3. You can also see other users assigned to the same Call Queue and if they have opted-in or opted-out.

Agents in call queue

Settings for Teams telephony

This is what you will see when you click on the “Calls” tab in Teams.

Observe that this view is only visible if your telephony is moved from Skype to Teams.
Image showing the view for Calls in Teams

  1. View and add new contacts.
  2. Write the number you want to call or search for a name and call directly.
  3. Choose if you want to forward your calls and find other settings for calls.
  4. Settings for your sound device. Choose which sound device you want to use.
  5. Click on your profile to change your status and set a status message. You can also schedule your absence.

You reach your settings by going to your profile in the top right corner, then choose “Manage account”, and then “Calls”.
Image showing the settings for Calls in Teams

Under Call answering rules you can set up rules for what you want to happen when you don’t answer calls, and rules for forwarding calls.  Through Also ring you can choose whether you, for example, want it to call your mobile phone as well, when receiving a call through Teams.

Under Voicemail you can adjust your settings for your voicemail. You can Configure your voicemail and choose how you want calls to be handled when being forward to voicemail. The recommendation is to forward your calls after 20 seconds,

Under Ringtones you can listen to and choose between different ringtones for your calls.

Settings for telephony in Teams

This is what you will see when you click on the “Calls” tab in the Teams app.

You see a list of your call history.

Click on the phone in the bottom right corner to make a call.
Image showing what "calls" looks like in the Teams app for mobiles

You reach the settings by going to your profile on the left in the app, then choose “Settings”, and then “Calling”.

Here you can choose to forward your calls, set up what you want to happen in the event of a missed call, and change your voicemail greeting.
You can also choose to sync your device contacts and therefore reach all your contacts you have saved on your phone directly through Teams.

You can also choose to block numbers.
Image showing what the settings for calls looks like in the Teams app


Forward calls in Teams

If you can’t or don’t want to receive calls in Teams, you can forward your calls in a few different ways.

Select the “Do not disturb” status

Select the “Do Not Disturb” status to forward calls and temporarily turn off notifications.

Click on your profile in the upper right corner, then click on the status and select “Do not disturb”.

Do not disturb status

Under “Duration” you can choose how long you want the status to be displayed.

In your Calls settings in Teams, you decide what happens in case of unanswered calls, by default the call goes to voicemail.

Choose to forward calls

In the Calls settings in Teams, you can choose “Forward my calls” and what happens when forwarding, for example forwarding to voicemail.

Forward calls in Teams

Remember to change the setting back when you want to be available again.

In case of longer absence, for example vacation or leave of absence

If you have scheduled yourself as “Out of office” in your calendar in Outlook, you will also appear with the status “Out of office” in Teams.

You can supplement your absence in Teams with a status message. Click on your profile in the upper right corner and then select “Set status message”. You can also choose how long the message should be displayed.

When you’re away from Teams, your calls are directed to voicemail by default.

Out of office greeting in Teams

In the Calls settings in Teams, under “Configure voicemail”, you can enter your own out of office greeting and choose when you want it to be played, for example when you have an auto-reply in Outlook or an out of office event in your calendar.

Delete groups in Microsoft 365

Delete groups in the tool 

You can delete groups in the respective tools where the group is located, such as Planner, SharePoint, and Teams. Note that if you delete a group, you delete everything that belongs to the group. For example, if you delete a group in Planner, you delete the SharePoint site and possibly the Team that belongs to the group. 

Delete group in Planner

  1. Go to Hubben – Planner (, it lists all planners you have authorization to. 
  2. To delete, go under the three dots and select Plan settings.
  3. At the bottom of the Plan Settings dialog window, you can find the button to delete the group.

Delete group in SharePoint

  1. It’s not easy to find all of your SharePoint sites. That’s why you need to search for them, and you can do so with the following link that includes a search query: SharePoint
  2. Select the site you want to administrate. If you are an owner, then under the gear you will receive website information. At the bottom of that window is the Delete option.

Skärmdump site information Sharepoint

Delete group in Teams 

  1. Go to your Teams client and select Team on the menu to the left.
  2. In the listing of teams, you can click on the three dots of the desired team. If you are the owner, you have the option of clicking on Delete team at the bottom of the menu.

Delete one specific team in Teams

Administrate groups through Outlook (Office 365)

If you’ve moved your email to Office 365, you can easily administer the groups you belong to or own through Outlook.

  1. Open Outlook and go to your email box.
  2. Select Groups on the menu to the left.
  3. It lists the groups that you have permission to and that are configured to be visible in Outlook.
  4. Select Group, then open Group Settings in the top menu. In the menu presented, you can administer your group.

Skärmdump som visar Gruppinställningar i Outlook

Prepare and create Breakout rooms before a Teams meeting

In this manual, we describe how you as a meeting organizer use breakout rooms in Teams to create meaningful discussions and exchange of ideas. **Observe** that to use Breakout rooms, you need to use the Desktop application for Teams.


We recommend that you prepare your Breakout rooms before the Teams meeting. It is only the meeting organizer (the person sending out the booking) who can do this. (You can create your Breakout rooms directly in the Teams meeting – see this manual). To prepare the Breaout rooms before the meeting, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Teams calendar and double-click the meeting booking that you want to create group rooms within.
    eams calendar and double-click the meeting booking that you want to create group rooms within.
  2. Click Breakout rooms. (If you don’t see a Breakout rooms, click more and select Breakout room)
  3. Click on Create room
    Click Breakout rooms and create rooms
  4. Click the Arrow and select how many rooms you want and than click Add Rooms. (You can change the number of rooms later, don’t worry).
    Click the Arrow and select how many rooms you want and than click Add Rooms.
  5. Now it is time to assign participants in the rooms you’ve created. Click Assign Attendees.
    assign participants in the rooms you've created. Click Assign Attendees.
  6. Select Automatically to automaticly assign particpants to the number of rooms (in this case, 2 rooms) you’ve created.
  7. Select Manually to choose which room the participants should be in.
  8. Click Next
    Select Automatic to automatically or manually assigning atendees
  9. If you selected automatically go to point 12.
  10. If you chose manually, then it is now time to choose which room the people should be in. All people invited to the meeting are gathered in a list. Select the check box next to the person, and then click the Arrow, and then select which room.
    Assign participants to break outs
  11. Continue the same way with the other people, and then click Assign. It might look like this:
    Assign participants to break outs, select assign when ready
  12. Now are your rooms ready to use. However, before we will show you how to start the rooms during the Teams meeting, here are some more tips on how to make the rooms better.

Other smart settings before the meeting starts

After you have assigned people you can set more settings, change the number or remove rooms, and rename the rooms.


  1. Click the settings-icon
  2. Click here to assign presenters in the meeting who can help you start, add, or delete people in the breakout rooms during the teams meeting. (A list comes up, type the name of the person you want help from).
  3. Click here to set a specific time limit on the group rooms. (You can select the time in the list below).
  4. Click here to move people automatically to rooms when you click start room in the teams meeting (We recommend that you have this turned on. This means that the people in the rooms are automatically sent out to their rooms when you click “Open” to start the rooms during the teams meeting).
  5. Click here to allow the others to return to the main meeting. (For example, if they want to ask you questions in the main meeting room).Breakout rooms settings view

Add more, remove and renamne rooms

  1. Click here to add more rooms
  2. Click here to remove rooms
  3. Click on three dots and edit to rename the room
    Add more, remove and rename rooms

During the Teems meeting

In the Teams meeting, it’s now time to start the rooms. This only takes a few seconds to do since you have already prepared the rooms.

  1. Click on Room-icon. (**Note** If there are people who joined the meeting after you created the rooms, the people will appear above the Assign Attendees button. Then click Assign Attendees and choose which room that person will be in).
  2. Click Open. (The rooms will then open and it will take about 10 seconds before everyone is sent out to their rooms).
    Start breakout rooms during teams meeting
  3. As a meeting organizer – you who are the owner of the meeting and started the Breakout rooms will stay in the main meeting and the people you have chosen will be sent out into the rooms. To send a message to everyone in the rooms click on the trumpet icon and write your message. For example, “5 minutes left.”.
    make an announcement to the other people in the breakout rooms
  4. You can also assist the people in the rooms or hear how they are doing by joining a specific room. Select the room you want to join and click three dots and Connect to Room.
    join specific breakout room as meeting organizer
  5. It will then look like this. You will have two teams meetings running at the same time. Room 1 (the left) is active and the main meeting (the right) becomes On hold.
  6. Click Leave under Room 1 to leave the Breakout room.
  7. Click Resume on the main meeting to start the main meeting again.
  8. Click Close to close all rooms. (It takes about 10 seconds for everyone to return to the main meeting).
    Navigation between main teams room and breakout room as a meeting organizer

Syncronize files from OneDrive, Teams or SharePoint to your computer

You can sync folders, files, and entire libraries from Office 365 to your computer. This means that you can work with the same files you have in Teams, SharePoint or OneDrive. In this manual, we will show you how to sync files from your OneDrive, Team, Team Channel, and a shared SharePoint library. Our recommendation is that you do not sync too many files.

Sync my own files from OneDrive to your computer

  1. Select Start on your computer and find the OneDrive app.
  2. Log in to OneDrive with your account,
  3. When you are logged in, the blue cloud appears down to the right.
  4. You can set which folders you want to sync by clicking on the OneDrive cloud and then the gear at the top right
  5. Gå sedan till Konto och Välj mappar, bocka i de mappar du vill synkronisera och klicka sedan på OK.
  6. Syncing from your OneDrive is now complete. A new tab is created in your Explorer/Finder – “OneDrive – Umeå University”. You can now work with these files from your computer. Note that these are the same files that are on OneDrive for the web. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from onedrive to your computer - Explorer view

Sync files from an entire Team to your computer

  1. Select the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Select a Team channel and click on Files
    sync files from Team to computer - select files
  3. Click on Document
    sync files from Team to computer - select documents
  4. Now you will be able to access all files associated with the Team. Then click Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - select sync
  5. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  6. Synchronization from an entire team is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the team. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view

Sync files from a specific channel in a Team

  1. Choose the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Click the channel from which you want to sync files to your computer. For example, the Education channel that the picture shows.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - choose team channel
  3. Click on Files
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - select files tab
  4. Click on Sync
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - click sync
  5. OneDrive app starts. Make sure the correct files are selected (as you can see, these are the same folders as the image in step 4). When your are done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - OneDrive app opens - control if right folders are included in the sync - click sync
  6. Synchronization from a specific Team Channel is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the Team Channel. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from specific team channel to computer - Explorer view

Sync your files from a shared SharePoint library

  1. Go to the shared library. The easiest way to do this is by using your OneDrive via: O365.
  2. Choose the shared library from the list that you want to sync (for example, as shown in the pircture – Team Arbetsgrupp).
  3. Select Go to Site.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select team - click go to site
  4. In the menue on the left, click Documents.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select documents
  5. Click on Sync
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - click on sync
  6. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  7. Synchronization from a shared document library is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your Computer. Note that these are the same files that are in SharePoint. It’s just another way of working from the explorer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view