Delete groups in Microsoft 365

Delete groups in the tool 

You can delete groups in the respective tools where the group is located, such as Planner, SharePoint, and Teams. Note that if you delete a group, you delete everything that belongs to the group. For example, if you delete a group in Planner, you delete the SharePoint site and possibly the Team that belongs to the group. 

Delete group in Planner

  1. Go to Hubben – Planner (, it lists all planners you have authorization to. 
  2. To delete, go under the three dots and select Plan settings.
  3. At the bottom of the Plan Settings dialog window, you can find the button to delete the group.

Delete group in SharePoint

  1. It’s not easy to find all of your SharePoint sites. That’s why you need to search for them, and you can do so with the following link that includes a search query: SharePoint
  2. Select the site you want to administrate. If you are an owner, then under the gear you will receive website information. At the bottom of that window is the Delete option.

Skärmdump site information Sharepoint

Delete group in Teams 

  1. Go to your Teams client and select Team on the menu to the left.
  2. In the listing of teams, you can click on the three dots of the desired team. If you are the owner, you have the option of clicking on Delete team at the bottom of the menu.

Delete one specific team in Teams

Administrate groups through Outlook (Office 365)

If you’ve moved your email to Office 365, you can easily administer the groups you belong to or own through Outlook.

  1. Open Outlook and go to your email box.
  2. Select Groups on the menu to the left.
  3. It lists the groups that you have permission to and that are configured to be visible in Outlook.
  4. Select Group, then open Group Settings in the top menu. In the menu presented, you can administer your group.

Skärmdump som visar Gruppinställningar i Outlook

Syncronize files from OneDrive, Teams or SharePoint to your computer

You can sync folders, files, and entire libraries from Office 365 to your computer. This means that you can work with the same files you have in Teams, SharePoint or OneDrive. In this manual, we will show you how to sync files from your OneDrive, Team, Team Channel, and a shared SharePoint library. Our recommendation is that you do not sync too many files.

Sync my own files from OneDrive to your computer

  1. Select Start on your computer and find the OneDrive app.
  2. Log in to OneDrive with your account,
  3. When you are logged in, the blue cloud appears down to the right.
  4. You can set which folders you want to sync by clicking on the OneDrive cloud and then the gear at the top right
  5. Gå sedan till Konto och Välj mappar, bocka i de mappar du vill synkronisera och klicka sedan på OK.
  6. Syncing from your OneDrive is now complete. A new tab is created in your Explorer/Finder – “OneDrive – Umeå University”. You can now work with these files from your computer. Note that these are the same files that are on OneDrive for the web. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from onedrive to your computer - Explorer view

Sync files from an entire Team to your computer

  1. Select the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Select a Team channel and click on Files
    sync files from Team to computer - select files
  3. Click on Document
    sync files from Team to computer - select documents
  4. Now you will be able to access all files associated with the Team. Then click Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - select sync
  5. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  6. Synchronization from an entire team is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the team. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view

Sync files from a specific channel in a Team

  1. Choose the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Click the channel from which you want to sync files to your computer. For example, the Education channel that the picture shows.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - choose team channel
  3. Click on Files
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - select files tab
  4. Click on Sync
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - click sync
  5. OneDrive app starts. Make sure the correct files are selected (as you can see, these are the same folders as the image in step 4). When your are done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - OneDrive app opens - control if right folders are included in the sync - click sync
  6. Synchronization from a specific Team Channel is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the Team Channel. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from specific team channel to computer - Explorer view

Sync your files from a shared SharePoint library

  1. Go to the shared library. The easiest way to do this is by using your OneDrive via: O365.
  2. Choose the shared library from the list that you want to sync (for example, as shown in the pircture – Team Arbetsgrupp).
  3. Select Go to Site.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select team - click go to site
  4. In the menue on the left, click Documents.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select documents
  5. Click on Sync
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - click on sync
  6. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  7. Synchronization from a shared document library is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your Computer. Note that these are the same files that are in SharePoint. It’s just another way of working from the explorer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view



Work with multiple organizations in Teams

If you work in multiple organizations that use Teams (for example Umeå University and Region Västerbotten) and want to use Teams for each organization, these are instructions that may facilitate your work.

One way to make it easier when you’re a member of multiple organizations is to use different interfaces for different organizations. For example, you can use the Teams app on your computer when you work in the organization Umeå University and the web interface for Teams when you work in the organization Region Västerbotten. This will make it easier to keep the two organizations separated. You need to be signed in to both of your accounts at the samt time for this to work.

Sign in to the organization Umeå University on your computer.

  1. Open Teams on your computer. If you haven’t installed Teams yes, go to to install it.
  2. Sign in with your Umu-id ( and password.
  3. You can now work in Umeå Universitys organization in your desktop app.

Sign in to another organization in the web interface

  1. Open a new incognito/InPrivate window in your browser by clicking on your browser and select New InPrivate window or New Incognito window (depending on which browser you use).
  2. Go to and sign in with your e-mail and your password.
  3. Select Teams and use it via the bowser when working on your secondary account.

Work as a guest of a team in an external organization

If you’ve been invited as a guest to a team that belongs to an external organization, for example Region Västerbotten, you will not see these teams among your teams that belong to the organization Umeå University. You need to switch between the different organizations to work with teams that belong to an external organization.

  1. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner.
  2. You will now see a list of the organizations you’ve been invited to. In the example below you can see what it looks like if you’re a member in both Umeå University and Microsoft.

Set up quiet hours for Teams on mobile phone

If you use Teams on your mobile phone you can set up quiet hours. This means that you can turn off all notifications for Teams during certain times, for example during evenings and weekends. 

Set up and activate quiet hours

  1. Open the Teams application on your phone.
  2. Select the menu in the upper left corner by clicking on your profile picture.
  3. Select Notifications.
  4. Select During quiet time.
  5. Here you can choose if you want quiet hours, quiet days or both. If you have an Android, you can also set exceptions if you want some type of content to always be visible regardless of quiet hours, for example if someone makes a mention.

Switch between public and private team

You can choose between two privacy settings in Teams – public or private team. This setting controls who can view and join your team. This instructions will show you how to change a public team to a private, or the other way around.  

Two types of privacy for teams

Public team
A public team is available to everyone at Umeå University. This means that when someone searches for teams, they can find your team in a list and join it without your approval. All files and content in a team is searchable for members of a team.
 Both students and staff can see and join public teams.

Private team
A private team is only available to the people you invite or approve. In most cases, you should choose a private team.


How to do:

  1. Go to your team and click on the three dots to the right of the teams name. Select Edit team.
  2. To switch between public and private – use the menu that says Privacy.
  3. Click on the arrow to the right and select a new option.
  4. Select Update.

Set up your notifications in Teams

When you want to set up and adjust your notifications settings in Microsoft Teams, there are two options: for the entire application or for each channel.

Set up notifications for the Teams application

  1. Click on the three dots next to you profile picture in the upper right corner in Teams.
  2. A menu will appear, select Settings.
  3. Select Notifications and set up the different notifications under each heading.

If you’ve chosen to receive a notification via email – please note that you will unfortunately not receive this notification if you are signed in or have the application open in the background. This is because you are considered as active and will therefore only receive notifications in the application.

Set up notifications for a channel in Teams

  1. Go to the channel where you want to adjust your settings, and click on the three dots.
  2. Select Channel notifications.
  3. In the next menu, you can choose how you want to be notified when something happens.
  4. Select Custom to get more options for the notifications.
  5. Select the level of notifications
    1. Click on the arrow 
    2. Select Banner and feed if you want both an purple banner in the left corner of the screen when recieving an and an number sign in the activity clock. (see decription below)
    3. Select Only show in feed if you want notifications only in the acitivty clock. (see decription below)
    4. Select Off if you want to turn off the notifications for that teams channel.
    5. Select Include all replies if you want notifications if someone replies on your channels posts.
    6. Click Save
      change channel notifications in teams - chose notification level

Banner = Purple box with little decription of what has happened.

banner notification

Feed = Red numbers on activity and under team

feed notification

**Note** that these settings only apply to you and the specific channel, not the entire team. For example, if you are interested in what’s happening in some of the Teams channel enable notifications on them and disable notifications on the other.


Make a spontaneous poll with Forms in a Teams meeting

In this manual we describe how to make a spontaneous poll with Forms in an ongoing Teams meeting. This method is suitable when you are a presenter or organizer of a meeting and spontaneously want to create a poll. If you want to make a planned poll before a meeting, see our other manual.  

Create a new poll

  1. When you’re in the meeting, click on Apps.
  2. Select Forms. If you can’t fint it in the list, you can search for it.
    Image showing where to find the Forms app in a teams meeting
  3. In the window that appears, click on Save.
    Image showing where to save the poll
  4. A new icon (Polls) will be added among the meeting tools. Click on it.
  5. Select New poll.
    Image showing where to find the new poll in a teams meeting
  6. In the next window, you can choose between three types of polls:
    • Multiple choice – when you want to know what people in the meeting think about a particular topic.
    • Quiz – questions where there is a right or wrong answer.
    • Word Cloud – if your want to ask questions that will allow the participants to answer in text.
    • Rating – if you want to collect trhe respondents insights
    • Ranking – If you want to allow the respondents to rank items
      Image showing the different types of poll-questions
  7. Once you’ve selected a type of poll, a new window will open. There you can enter your question, add or remove answers options, edit the settings for your poll and decide if it should be possible to choose multiple answers. Read more about qestiontypes and question settings here
  8. Select Launch now or Save as a draft when you’re done. Then ypou can find your questions under Polls, either as a draft or as a open poll.
  9. When saved as a draft you can edit your poll, or launch it.
  10. If you want to add more questions, select Create new.
    Image showing how to create a question

Edit a question

  1. Click on the arrow next to Launch.
    Image showing where to edit a poll
  2. You will now get two options. Select Edit poll to edit your question or select Delete poll to remove the question from the poll.
  3. Make your changes and select Save when you’re done.

Publish a question in the meeting

  1. Make sure you’re satisfied with your settings. Otherwise – edit you poll.
  2. When you want to publish you question in the meeting, select Launch.
  3. The question will be marked as Live.
  4. The meeting participants will now see the question on their screens and receive a notification.
  5. The answers of the poll will be shown in percentage.

End the poll

  1. Select the arrow next to View options.
  2. Select Close poll.

See results from polls

Results in Teams
  1. Go to Teams and select Chat in the left menu.
  2. Search for the meeting where the poll was held.
  3. Select the Polls tab.
Results on
  1. Go to
  2. Select Forms in the left menu.
  3. You will find your most recent polls Recent. If you can’t see your poll there, select All my forms.

Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting

In this manual we describe how to make a poll with Forms before, during and after a meeting in Teams. This method is suitable when you in advanced have planned to do a poll. This manual also shows how you can edit or delete a question and how to close your poll. 

Add the poll as a tab

  1. Book a meeting in Teams.
  2. Go to your calendar in Teams and select the meeting where you want the poll.
  3. In the meeting view, click on the + to add a tab.
  4. Select Forms to create a tab for the poll.

Create a new poll

  1. Select the tab Polls.
  2. The first time you create a poll, select Create new poll.
  3. In the next window, you will choose between two types of question:
    • Multiple choice poll – when you want to know what people in the meeting think about a particular topic.
    • Multiple choice quiz – questions where there is a right or wrong answer.
    • Word Cloud Poll – if your want to ask questions that will allow the participants to answer in text.Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting - questiontypes

Multiple choice poll

Multiple-choice polling is an alternative question perfect for easily gathering information. To create your multiple choice question, follow these steps:

  1. Select Question and enter your question.
  2. Select the Options box and enter the option you want.
  3. Click Add Options to add more options
  4. Select options and click on trashcan to delete options.
  5. Check Multiple Answers to allow participants to answer with multiple options.
  6. Select Share results automatically after voting if you want all participants to see the results after they have voted.
  7. Select Keep the answers anonymous if you want the answers from the participants to be anonymous.
  8. Select Allow others to co-author if you want participants to be able to see the questions, create questions, edit questions in advance. Please note that if you choose this, the participants will receive a notice that you have created questions and they can see, edit and create questions in advance before the meeting.
  9. Click Save when done.
    Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting - multiple choice poll

Multiple choice quiz

Multiple choice quiz is a type of question that allows you to put the right answer to a question. You should use this type of question if you want to do a competition or quiz.

  1. Select Question and enter your question.
  2. Select the Options box and enter the option you want.
  3. Mark right answer on question, by check of the small box on the left side of the optionspane so it turns green.
  4. Click Add Options to add more options
  5. Select options and click on trashcan to delete options.
  6. Check Multiple Answers to allow participants to answer with multiple options.
  7. Select Share results automatically after voting if you want all participants to see the results after they have voted.
  8. Select Keep the answers anonymous if you want the answers from the participants to be anonymous.
  9. Select Allow others to co-author if you want participants to be able to see the questions, create questions, edit questions in advance. Please note that if you choose this, the participants will receive a notice that you have created questions and they can see, edit and create questions in advance before the meeting.
  10. Click Save when done.
    Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting - Multiple choice quiz

Word Cloud Poll

Word cloud Poll is a question type that allows participants to write an answer with text. The answers will pop up on the screen in the form of word clouds hence the name.

  1. Select Question and enter your question.
  2. Check Multiple Answers to allow participants to answer with multiple options.
  3. Select Share Word cloud with respondents if you want all participants to see the results after they have voted.
  4. Select Keep the answers anonymous if you want the answers from the participants to be anonymous.
  5. Click Save when done.
    Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting - word cloud poll

Manage, create new, edit, delete questions

When you have finished your questions, they are saved as drafts. This means that participants can not see your questions (unless you chose co-author). From this view you can manage your questions.

  1. Click Create New to create more questions
  2. Click the arrow to edit or delete the question.
  3. Drag and drop and drop the question and place it in the order you want to ask them.
    Make a planned poll with Forms in a Teams meeting - Manage, create new, edit, delete questions

Publish a question in a meeting 

  1. Make sure that you’re satisfied with your settings. Otherwise – edit your poll.
  2. Select Launch. You can do this before, during or after the meeting.
  3. Your will now be marked as Live.
  4. The meetings participants will now get a notification liked this.
  5. The answers of the poll will be shown in percentage.

End the poll

  1. Select the arrow next to View options.
  2. Select Close poll to end the poll.

See results from the poll

  1. Go to
  2. Select Forms in the left menu.
  3. You will find your most recent polls under Recent. If you can’t see your poll there, select All my forms.


Inviting multiple users to a team in Teams

Here are two tips on how to invite members to join a team themselves. Note that these options only work for users with an account at Umeå University.

Invite with a code

All teams have a code that can be used to join the team. The person using the code will join the team immediately. Please note that only people with Umu accounts can connect with a code and that everyone that has access to the code can connect with the team without your permission.

Get the team code

  1. Go to your team. Select the three dots to the right of the team name.
  2. Click Manage Teams.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams
  3. Go to Settings.
  4. Select Team Code.Invite Multiple Users Teams 2
  5. Click Generate to generate the code that you can copy and share to the people you want to invite to your team.

Join teams with a code

  1. Go to Microsoft Teams and select the Team tab.
  2. Click Join or create a team.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams 3
  3. In the next  screen you will get the option to create a team or join with a code. Paste the code to join the team.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams 4

Invite with link

You can also invite members to your team by sending them a link to the team. With this alternative, the owner of the team needs to accept or deny access to the team.

  1. Go to your team. Select the three dots to the right of the team name.
  2. Click on Get link to team.
    Invite multiple users Teams 5
  3. You will then receive a link to copy and send to the members.
    Copy link to invite team members Teams
  4. When they click on the link they can ask to join the team. The owner receives notifications in Teams and by email and can decide to accept or deny access to the team.
  5. You can also find pending request by going to your team, clicking Manage teams and looking in the Pending requests tab.

Frequently asked questions about Teams

Meetings in Teams

How many people can you see at the same time during a meeting in Teams?

It is possible to see 49 people at a time during a meeting.

Does the meeting automatically end when the meeting goes over time?

No, the meeting only ends when someone chooses to end the meeting or all participants have left it.

How many can participate in a Team Meeting?

250 people can attend a meeting.

Can I book a Teams meeting via Outlook?

Yes, you can schedule a Teams meeting directly in Outlook. To do this, you need to have Teams installed on your computer.

Can I raise my hand during a Teams meeting?

Yes, it is possible to raise your hand during a meeting.

Raising your hand during a Teams meeting

Can I use Whiteboard during a Teams meeting?

Yes, you can use Whiteboard during a Teams meeting. To start a whiteboard, click the share screen button. Once you click there, you can select Whiteboard.

If you want more features, it is recommended to download Microsoft Whiteboard to your computer.

Frequently asked questions about Whiteboard

Can I moderate a meeting in Teams?

Yes, you can choose to mute participants’ microphones, invite more participants or remove participants during an ongoing meeting. You can also choose whether participants should have the opportunity to activate their microphone during the meeting and whether the chat should be available.

Can I set up a lobby for Teams meetings?

Yes. You can choose to exclude all, external or none at all. You as the creator of the meeting will always be able to join the meeting.

Change participant settings for a Teams meeting

Is it possible to divide the meeting into breakout rooms?

Yes, it is possible to divide the meeting into smaller groups (breakout rooms). Only the booker of the meeting can create breakout rooms.

Can I invite an entire team to a meeting?

Yes, if you book the meeting via Teams, you can add the meeting to a channel in a team.

Schedule a meeting in Teams

Can I record a meeting?

Yes, if you click on the three dots in a meeting, you can choose to record it. It is important that you always inform the participants beforehand so that they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded or not. All participants in the meeting will get a popup telling them that the meeting is being recorded.

Record a meeting in Teams


What is the difference between a private and a public team?

There are some differences between having a private and a public team.

Private team: A private team is only available to the people you invite or approve. In most cases, you should choose a private team.

Public team: A public team is available to everyone at Umeå University. This means that when someone searches for teams, they can find your team in a list and can then join without your approval. All files and content in a team is searchable for members of a team.

Both students and staff can see and join public teams.

How many channels can I create?

You can create 200 standard channels and 30 private channels in a team.

What is a private channel?

A private channel is only available to the people you specify should have access to the channel. The people must be participants in the team. It does not work to only invite one person to a private channel but not to the team in general.

Create a private channel

Can everyone in a team create channels?

It depends on the attribute set by the team owner. Under Manage teams the team owner can choose whether a member can create and delete channels. There are also more settings that can be customized.

Manage team settings and permissions in Teams

When I create a team, what type should I use?

Of the four options provided (Class, PLC, Personal, Other), the last type “Other” is to be used. This is without formatting and gives you the opportunity to build your team completely according to your needs.

What is the difference between being an owner and a member of a team?

An owner of a team is the one who administrates the team. The owner can add and remove members and decide what the members should have permissions to do in a team. It is possible to have several owners of a team.

Adding members and changing ownership in Teams

What happens if someone accidentally deletes a file?

If someone accidentally deletes files in a team, the files can be downloaded from the team’s trash in SharePoint, where they are stored for 30 days. After 30 days, the files are placed in a secondary trash can for 60 days before disappearing. Your files are stored in the Trash for 90 days.

Delete and restore files in Teams

What is the difference between Chat and Posts in a Team?

The chat function allows you to communicate with individual colleagues or groups in text and conversation.

To create areas for collaboration, you are recommended to create a team. The conversations under Posts in the team are visible to everyone in the team and unlike in the chat, the conversations are tied together in threads to keep the current topic together.

In the chat, you communicate in a constant flow while conversations under Posts in teams are divided into threads for easier follow-up in the collaboration. You can use the chat for everyday talk and short conversations, while Posts in teams can be seen as a more formal forum.

Can I move files to another channel or team?

Yes, you can move files. Click on the three dots and then choose Move. You can also open the files in Sharepoint for easier handling of the files.

Can I create “subchannels”?

No, you can only create channels in a team.

Can I change the name of a team?

Yes, it is possible to change the name of a team. Keep in mind that all teams get their own SharePoint site, these cannot be renamed. This means that when you change the name of your team in Teams, this is just a display name. The SharePoint site will still retain the original name.

Can I rename a channel?

Yes, it is possible to rename a channel. To do this, click on the three dots and then Edit this channel. Here, too, the original name will remain in the associated document library in SharePoint.

Why are the team files in SharePoint?

When you create a team, a Sharepoint is also created in the background. The files are technically stored in SharePoint, but you can manage them directly in Teams. Sharepoint makes it possible to share files in Microsoft 365.

Can I invite an external participant to Teams?

You can add external people as a guest in Teams. Anyone who has an email account, such as Outlook, Gmail or similar, can join your team as a guest.

Add guests to your team

What can an external participant (guest) do in a team?

A guest can do everything that other participants in a team can do, except add tabs. The owner of the team can also set whether the guest should be allowed to create channels or not in a team.

Manage team settings and permissions in Teams

Can you add AD groups to a team?

No, this is not possible at present. We hope to be able to offer this in the future.

Why do I not have the AutoSave feature in Word?

It depends on which version of the office suite you have. If you download Office from the portal (, you will have the opportunity to use Save automatically in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Can I create folders for files?

Yes, you can build your folder structure just like on your computer. Create folders in the file area for each channel exactly as you want.

Is there any difference to edit from the desktop app or directly in teams?

In the desktop app, you have the opportunity to do more advanced functions. Otherwise, it’s the same thing to edit directly in the Teams or desktop app. If you choose to open in the desktop app and save, it will be saved automatically in the team, so you do not need to download a copy, and all members will have access to your changes.

If you work in the desktop app at the same time as your colleagues, we recommend that you download the Office package from the portal so that you get the function “Save automatically”. You will then, just like in the web, see where your colleagues edit (otherwise you need to save regularly for your colleagues to see your changes).

How do I get notified that something is happening in Teams?

You can set notifications in general for the entire program.

You can also set notifications for specific channels in a team. You can choose how you want to be notified for each channel.

Can students use Microsoft Teams?

Yes, students have access to Microsoft 365.

Can I view previous versions of a document?

Yes, you can see previous versions and even revert to previous versions if you want.

View previous versions of a document

Can I move posts between different teams or channels?

No, unfortunately it is not possible to move posts between different teams or channels.


Can I have a chat with several people?

Yes, it is possible to create a chat with several people. Enter the names one after another when starting a new chat. You can also invite more people to an existing chat by clicking on the plus icon in the top right corner.

Start a chat in Teams

Can I delete a chat?

Yes, you can delete a chat, it will be permanently deleted for you, but not for the person you are chatting with. You can however delete your own instant messages, but only one at a time. To delete a message, click on the three dots on your message and then click on Delete.

Can I leave a chat?

Yes, you can choose to exit a chat by clicking on the three dots that appear if you move the mouse pointer to the chat name and then click Leave.