Syncronize files from OneDrive, Teams or SharePoint to your computer

You can sync folders, files, and entire libraries from Microsoft 365 to your computer. This means that you can work with the same files you have in Teams, SharePoint or OneDrive. In this manual, we will show you how to sync files from your OneDrive, Team, Team Channel, and a shared SharePoint library. Our recommendation is that you do not sync too many files.

Sync my own files from OneDrive to your computer

  1. Select Start on your computer and find the OneDrive app.
  2. Log in to OneDrive with your account,
  3. When you are logged in, the blue cloud appears down to the right.
  4. You can set which folders you want to sync by clicking on the OneDrive cloud and then the gear at the top right
  5. Then go to Account and Choose folders, mark the folders you want to synchronize and then click OK. 
  6. Syncing from your OneDrive is now complete. A new tab is created in your Explorer/Finder – “OneDrive – Umeå University”. You can now work with these files from your computer. Note that these are the same files that are on OneDrive for the web. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from onedrive to your computer - Explorer view

Sync files from an entire Team to your computer

  1. Select the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Select a Team channel and click on Files
    sync files from Team to computer - select files
  3. Click on Document
    sync files from Team to computer - select documents
  4. Now you will be able to access all files associated with the Team. Then click Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - select sync
  5. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  6. Synchronization from an entire team is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the team. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view

Sync files from a specific channel in a Team

  1. Choose the Team you want to sync files from to your computer.
  2. Click the channel from which you want to sync files to your computer. For example, the Education channel that the picture shows.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - choose team channel
  3. Click on Files
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - select files tab
  4. Click on Sync
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - click sync
  5. OneDrive app starts. Make sure the correct files are selected (as you can see, these are the same folders as the image in step 4). When your are done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from specific Team channel to computer - OneDrive app opens - control if right folders are included in the sync - click sync
  6. Synchronization from a specific Team Channel is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your explorer. Note that these are the same files that are in the Team Channel. It’s just another way of working from the computer.
    sync files from specific team channel to computer - Explorer view

Sync your files from a shared SharePoint library

  1. Go to the shared library. The easiest way to do this is by using your OneDrive via: O365.
  2. Choose the shared library from the list that you want to sync (for example, as shown in the pircture – Team Arbetsgrupp).
  3. Select Go to Site.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select team - click go to site
  4. In the menue on the left, click Documents.
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - select documents
  5. Click on Sync
    sync files from shareed sharepoint liberar - click on sync
  6. The OneDrive app starts. Make sure all folders and files are selected. When you’re done, click Start Sync.
    sync files from Team to computer - OneDrive app opens - select files to sync - click start sync
  7. Synchronization from a shared document library is now complete. A new tab (with a “House”) is created in your Explorer/Finder. See selected locations in the image. You can now work with these files from your Computer. Note that these are the same files that are in SharePoint. It’s just another way of working from the explorer.
    sync files from entire Team to computer - explorer view



Digital signature with eduSign

With the service eduSign you can upload and digitally sign PDF- and XML documents. The service is provided by SUNET and is available for all employees at Umeå University with an Umu-id.

The first time you’re logging in

  1. Save the document that you want to sign on your computer. Save it as a PDF or XML.
  2. Go to
  3. The first time you’re using this service you need to fill in the name of the university in the blue field Access through your institution. Type Umeå University.

Upload and sign your document

  1. Login with your Umu-id on eduSigns website.
  2. Click on Browse and choose the document you want to sign, or drag and drop it. Then click Upload.
  3. When the document is uploaded you can choose to preview.
  4. Click Approve to create a digital signature.
  5. A window will appear where you can identify and digitally sign the document. Click on Sign selected documents to approve your signature with your Umu-id and password.
  6. Login with your Umu-id and password.
  7. You will see the document on your screen once it’s signed. Your sign is on the last page in the document.
  8. Click on Download signed document to download it to your computer. It’s important to download it because it will not be saved on eduSign and your login.

Sign a document with several signatures

  1. Follow the instructions for how to upload and sign a document (see above).
  2. Send the document to the next person that’s going to sign.
  3. That person repeats the process, upload and sign.
  4. Then that person sends it to the next person that’s going to sign. This continues until everyone that’s going to sign has signed.

Validate a digitally signed document

To confirm that a digitally signed document is real and authentic and hasn’t been changed after signatures you can use eduSigns validation service.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the document you want do validate.
  3. You will now see informations about the document. Check the Status, if it’s a green circle that says All signatures are valid the document is valid. Otherwise, if it isn’t valid you will see a red circle.

Adobe Acrobat Reader will say that the signature isn’t valid.

Adobe Acrobat Reader will say that the signature isn’t valid when you open it. This is because Adobe Acrobat Reader can’t valid documents from eduSign. You need to use eduSigns own validation service.

Log in with multifactor authentication, Freja eID+ and Microsoft Authenticator

This manual shows how to log in with multifactor authentication at Umeå Universitys system.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a service that gives you increased protection when logging in to some of the university’s systems. With multi-factor authentication, you log in in two steps, which gives you extra layer of protection on top of your Umu-id and password. Umeå university uses both Microsoft Authenticator and Freja eID+ as multifactor. This means that the log-in site can look different depending on which system you’re logging in to.

Freja eID+

Freja eID plus is a free, government approved digital ID card that helps you login in some systems at Umeå university. You can prove your identity in an application on your phone instead of showing a physical legitimation card.

Follow this manual to log in with Freja eID+.

Microsoft Authenticator

The app Microsoft Authenticator means that you log in on some services with your Umu-id and password, and then you approve the log in on your app Microsoft Authenticator on your phone or hardware token.

Follow this manual to log in with Microsoft Authenticator.

The difference of how to log in with either Freja eID+ or Microsoft Authenticator

When you log in on some of the University’s system, for example Skyddade dokument, you need to choose wether you want to log in with Freja eID+ or Microsoft Authenticator. It will look like this after you’ve typed your Umu-id and password:

Choose the alternative Sign in with Microsoft authenticator if you log in with a hardware token. You also choose this alternative if you use the Microsoft authenticator app on you mobile unit.

The only alternative for log in at Microsoft 365 is Microsoft Authenticator. After you’ve typed your Umu-id and password you will directly be asked to accept the login in your Microsoft Authenticator-app. You don’t have to choose which method you want to log in with.


Accept apply for guest account

When an external person applies for a guest account, they must name a host. The host needs to confirm the apply, and then send it to the head of department so they can accept or deny. This manual shows how the host do to confirm the apply, and also how the head of department accept or denies the applies. At the end of the manual, we also show you how to extend the guest accounts access.

The host – confirm the apply

When someone has applies for a guest account and makes you the host, you will receive an e-mail.

  1. Go to your mail inbox and look for an e-mail that says Apply for guest account.
  2. Click on the link in the e-mail and login with your Umu-id.
  3. Click on Administrate.
  4. You will now see a list of all the names that applied for a guest account and named you as their host. Click on the name of the one who has applied.
  5. Write Organization, for how long time the guest should have a guest account, and the Reason why they need an account.
  6. Then click Confirm apply.

You can also do the apply for the external person

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Administrate and log in with your Umu-id. Click on Create a guest account. If you’re already logged in, you can click on Create a guest account directly.
  3. Fill in User account for external persons and write the external persons information. When you’re done, click Add.

The head of department will receive an e-mail that an apply has been sent. Once the head of department has accepted the apply, the external person must activate the account themselves.

The head of departments approval

  1. Go to your e-mail inbox and click on the mail that says Manage new apply.
  2. Click on the link in the email and log in with you Umu-id.
  3. You’ll now see a list of everyone that waits for an approval.
  4. You can choose to either Accept or Deny.
    If you choose to accept, both the external person and the host will receive an e-mail that says the apply is accepted. If you choose to deny, you must write a reason for why you choose to deny and only the host will receive the information.
  5. Click on Accept to accept the apply for a guest account, and Deny if you don’t want the guest account to be created.

Extend the guests access

Previously, as a host, you could extend the validity period of a guest account. Now, this is managed by the Directory Co-ordinator at your institution or unit.

Apply for guest account with BankID or Freja eID+

As a guest at Umeå university you can apply for a guest account if you have BankID or Freja eID+ and a Swedish personal identity number.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Apply.
  3. Choose if you want to apply using BankID or Freja eID+
  4. When you’re logged in you’ll see your personal information from BankID or Freja eID. Your phone number isn’t obligated.
  5. At the bottom you have to name your host at Umeå University. You can verify the e-mailadress if you’d like.
  6. Then click Send application.
  7. If the apply is sent successfully, you will get a message on the screen that says that your apply is received.
  8. Your application is now sent to your host. Once the host has accepted you application, they will send it to the head of department that has to accept your application. Once the head of department has accepted your application, you’ll get an e-mail that says Your application for a guest account is accepted.
  9. Now you need to activate your account by follow the link in the e-mail you received.
  10. Log in with your BankID or Freja eID.
  11. Accept the rools and click Next.
  12. Write your password and then click Complete.
  13. Your account is now activated.

Freja eID+

Freja eID+ is a government approved digital ID card that you can use on some services and system at the university. The use of Freja eID+ as method for legitimation opens up the possibility to self-service and means more independence. This manual shows how to log in to Umeå University’s systems with Freja eID+. 


  1. Type your Umu-id and your password.

  2. Choose between either Microsoft Authenticator or Freja eID+. Choose Sign in with Freja eID+.
  3. On your mobile device in the Freja eID+ application, accept the login.