Engelska kategorin för studentinformation.

VPN for Design students

Installation of VPN client software.

  • Open a web browser and go to the following URL: https://vpn.student.umu.se
  • Login with your UMU ID.
  • Click on the link “Download for Windows/macOS” to start the download of the client installer.


  • Open the downloaded installer and click “Next” to start the installation.

Configure and connect the client

  • Start the application “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”.
  • Type “vpn.student.umu.se” as the server address and click “Connect”.


  • Login with your UMU ID


As long as the session is active, you will have access to resources protected by UMU’s firewall.

Find your welcome letter

Information on how to find your Welcome Letter.

Turn on Microsoft editor in the Edge browser

This instruction shows how to turn on the Microsoft editor in the Edge browser. To access the add-on, you must have an A5 license in Microsoft 365, all employees and students and affiliates who have purchased it have it.

  1. In the Edge browser, click the three dots at the top right, then Add-ons, then “Get extensions for Microsoft edge”.

  2. In the search box, search for Microsoft Editor.
  3. Click Download and then “Add Extensions”
  4. You can now go through the three dots and then Add-ons again, there Microsoft editor will appear.
  5. You can choose to add the extension to the toolbar through this icon

Email notifications to group forms

When you create group forms in Forms, and want to receive email notifications when a response is submitted in the form, you need to make additional settings than just in the form. In this manual, we describe how you can receive notifications to a group email, when you create group forms in Forms.

  1. Go to Microsoft Forms
  2. Go to the bottom of the page and find the group/team form you want notifications from
  3. Click on the team you want to set up email notifications for
  4. Up in the right corner you see the members of the Team. Click on the button that says how many members the team has
  5. Bild som visar där man ser hur många medlemmar teamet har
  6. Now Outlook on the web opens. At the top left of the menu, click Edit
  7. In the box that now opens, check Allow people outside the organization to send email to the group (you may need to scroll down a bit in the box)
  8. Then click Save.
  9. Done! You have now set your group forms to be allowed to receive email notifications. Make sure you also set in the group form that you want to receive email notifications for each submitted answer.

Get started with your personal booking page with Bookings with me

Bookings with me is a digital personal booking tool that integrates with your free/busy time in your Outlook calendar. The service can be used, for example, when you need to schedule employee meetings or want to offer tutoring sessions or coaching to students and colleagues. This manual guides you on how to get started with your personal booking page. If you want to know how to create and get started with a shared booking page, I recommend you to look at this page: Create a booking site in Bookings

  1. Go to the portal at m365.umu.se
  2. Go to the menu in the top left corner and then click on Bookings.
  3. You are now on Booking’s home page.
    *  To create an appointment type in Bookings for me, click Create appointment type.
    * To create a new shared booking page, click Create booking page.
  4. Choose a title or a name for the meeting that can be booked and a short description if desired. Enter the location and how long the meeting should be
  5. Also choose whether the meeting should be of the type Public or private. You can read about the differences in Frequently Asked Questions about Bookings
    Please note that your personal booking page is automatically added to your email signature unless you click out of it (during the selection of public and private)

  6. Under “Schedule adaptation” you specify when you should be able to book
    1: Use my usual meeting times: Suggested times to the booker are displayed based on your availability in the calendar. If you have a gap between two bookings in your calendar, that gap will appear as an available option on your booking page.
    2: Use customized availability hours: Here you specify the date range during which it should go and book alternatively if there are any special time frames. Maybe it is only on Mondays that you want it to be possible to book?
  7. Under advanced settings, you can set lead and buffer time as well as reminders and whether automatic follow-up messages should go out after the meeting. Read more about what this means under FAQs
  8. Click save at the top right when you’re done.
  9. You can now share a link to your booking page or meeting type and receive bookings. Depending on whether your meeting is private or public, you share in different ways. If it’s a public meeting, you use the Share button at the top, while if it’s a private meeting, you click the share button directly on the meeting type. Good luck!

Version history for files in Microsoft 365

In this manual, we’ll go through where to find version history of your documents in OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint. Version history can save up to 500 versions of a document, and a new version is created each time you make a change to the document. Below is a description of how to do this and where to find the feature.

Open a file that you’ve saved in Microsoft 365. It can be a Word-document, PowerPoint, or Excel.

  1. Click at the top of the document where the title of the file appears.
    Image showing where to find the version history
  2. In the box that appears, click at the bottom on Version history.
    Image showing where ti find the version history
  3. You will now see a box on the right with a list of previous versions of a document. Click on Open version to see a previous version.
    Image showing how to open a previous version of a document
  4. Now you will get a new window where you can see what the document looked like before. Here you can choose to Compare with the current version or to Restore the documents to this previous version. If you do, a new version of the document will be created. If you don’t want to restore or compare, close the document.
    Image showing how to compare or revert the document

Delete or move files from your OneDrive

Sign in to OneDrive via the browser

  1. Go to m365.umu.se and log in to your account (umuid@ad.umu.se for employees and umu-id@student.umu.se for students)
  2. Go to OneDrive via the menu at the top left.
  3. Under your name to the left, clik on My files.
  4. In this view, you see your files that you have saved in your OneDrive.

Delete files in OneDrive

In “My Files” you can select the files and folders you want to delete, and then click Delete. If you do not want to delete the entire folder, you can click into the folder and select files there that you want to delete.

Empty recycle bin

Your deleted files and folders go to the OneDrive recycle bin.

First, select Recycle bin in the OneDrive left side navigation. To permanently delete files select delete in the top navigation.

Move files in your OneDrive

In the My Files view, you can select the files and folders you want to move, and then click Move To.

A window opens where in the middle under My files you can move the selected files to one of your existing folders. On the menu to the left, you can move the selected files to a team or Sharepoint. Select destination and click on Move.

If you exceed your storage limit

If you were to exceed the limit of how much you can store in OneDrive, you will end up in view mode for your documents, and your OneDrive will be read-protected, which means that you will not be able to upload, edit or sync your files in OneDrive, only view them. To fix this, you need to clear your OneDrive and delete files so that you fall below the limit of how much you are allowed to store.

Umu card

Here you can find information about the multifunction card at Umeå University, the Umu card.