Engelska kategorin för studentinformation.

Download and install Microsoft 365

Information on how to download and install the Microsoft 365 desktop suite.

Outlook 365 email forwarding

Guides users on how to forward emails from Outlook 365.

Email for students FAQ

An FAQ about the student email.

Install eduroam manually

A collection of guides for different operating systems on how to connect to eduroam manually.

Create and delete news posts in SharePoint

In this manual, we show you how to create and delete news posts in SharePoint. There are two options to create a news post.

Option 1: Create a news post

  1. Go to www.o365.umu.se and open SharePoint
  2. Click on Create a news post 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose create news post
  3. A menu will open at the left side of the screen. Choose where (a sharepoint gorup) you want to publish the news post.
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose sharepoint group
  4. Create your post (for more information to create a post click here)

Option 2 – Create a news post

  1. Open the SharePoint site where you want to publish the news post.
  2. Select New and then News post. 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose SharePoint site - new - news post
  3. Choose a template and then select Create post. 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose template
  4. Create your post (for more information on how to create a post click here)

Delete a news post

  1. Open the SharePoint site and select Pages in the left menu.
    delete your news post - select sharepoint site and pages
  2. Select the news post (page) you want to delete and select Delete in the upper menu.
    delete your news post - select sharepoint site and delete



Inspera – Settings during an exam

This guide goes through the settings that are available to you as a student during an ongoing digital exam in Inspera.

Student interface

The image below shows the student’s interface during a digital exam in the locked browser Safe Exam Browser.

Inspera - Student interface

  1. Settings during the current exam. More about these further down on this page.
  2. Student response box. The example above shows an essay question.
  3. A navigation bar is displayed at the bottom of the page. Pages with information only, are indicated by an “i”. In the example above, we can also see that we are now on question 14 of 19.
  4. Navigate forward to the next question.
  5. Navigate back to the previous question.
  6. In the example above, there is a PDF resource linked to the exam. The PDF opens in a new window.
  7. The button at the far right of the navigation bar goes to overview. It shows if all tasks have been answered and here is also the button to submit your exam.

Settings during exam

By clicking on the button marked (1) in the image above, you can access settings and additional functions during an ongoing digital exam.

Student settings

  1. Possibility to switch the interface language between Swedish and English.
  2. Function for displaying the exam content in high contrast mode.
  3. If you have applied for and received Text to speech granted as an aid, it is possible to activate this.
  4. The text size can be set in three levels: Normal, Large and Extra large.
  5. Submit a blank digital.
  6. Save submission as file is used if a student is unable to reconnect to the network. Submission in offline mode is handled manually by an invigilator.
  7. Possibility to hide or show the remaining time for an exam.
  8. Link that leads back to the overview page.


Spell check settings

If spelling check for answering essay questions is enabled, settings for this are displayed at the bottom right of the answer box.

Spell check settings

  • Click (1) to disable the spell checker.
  • Click (2), the settings icon, to display the set language and additional spell check settings.
  • Click (3) to open a window with all the suggestions for spelling corrections.
  • (4) indicates how many spelling errors the automatic check has detected.

Change language for automatic spelling check

Click the settings icon marked with (2) in the image above to open language settings.

Inställningar för språk

  1. Language is set to “Automatic Detection” and can be changed to, for example, Swedish or English by clicking the down arrow.
  2. In the box marked (2) there are four setting options for deactivating the spelling checker.

Inspera – Get your results

This guide describes how to view your results on a completed digital exam in Inspera.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the adress https://umu.inspera.com/
  2. Log in with your Umu-id
    Inspera Log in
  3. Click on ”Archive” (1) and then on ”See more details” (2) to see grades, points and
    submitted answers.
    Results in Inspera
  4. Here you can view your grade (1). Click on ”View without downloading” (2) to see yours
    answers and the page summary with total points and points per question.
    Results i Inspera
  5. See your answers by clicking on the question number (1). Click on to the next question
    button (2). Go to the summary on the button (3).
    Results in Inspera
  6. In the summary, you can read the total score (1) and the awarded points per
    question (2).
    Results in Inspera


An assessor may have chosen to provide feedback on your answer. This is then displayed on the page with the final grade under the heading “Feedback”. Click on the text (1) to view the feedback.

Feedback in Inspera

The next page lists the information that the assessor has commented on.


Once you have opened a commented task, you can read the assessor’s feedback by
clicking the arrow, highlighted in the image below (1).


The image below shows an opened feedback panel with the assessor’s comments.


Inspera – Get your result

This guide describes how to view your results on a completed digital exam in Inspera.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the adress https://umu.inspera.com/
  2. Log in with your Umu-id
    Log in with Umu-id
  3. Click on ”Archive” (1) and then on ”See more details” (2) to see grades, points and
    submitted answers.
    Results in Inspera
  4. Here you can view your grade (1). Click on ”View without downloading” (2) to see yours
    answers and the page summary with total points and points per question.
    Results i Inspera
  5. See your answers by clicking on the question number (1). Click on to the next question
    button (2). Go to the summary on the button (3).
    Results in Inspera
  6. In the summary, you can read the total score (1) and the awarded points per
    question (2).
    Results in Inspera


An assessor may have chosen to provide feedback on your answer. This is then displayed on the page with the final grade under the heading “Feedback”. Click on the text (1) to view the feedback.

Feedback in Inspera

The next page lists the information that the assessor has commented on.


Once you have opened a commented task, you can read the assessor’s feedback by
clicking the arrow, highlighted in the image below (1).


The image below shows an opened feedback panel with the assessor’s comments.


Inspera – Take a demo exam

This guide describes how to take a demo exam in Inspera to ensure that your computer works with the Safe Browser Safe Exam Browser.

  1. Open a standard browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, or similar).
  2. Go to the address https://umu.inspera.com/ and log in using your Umu-id.
    Inspera Log in
  3. Click on “Demotenta”

    Demo exam


  4. Then click on “Click here to get ready”.
    Click here to get ready

    Click here to get ready


  5. Now note that the password for the locked demo exam is “a12345” (1). The same password is also used to unlock the demo exam and exit the secure browser.
    1. If Safe Exam Browser is already installed:
      Click on “Open exam in Safe Exam Browser” (2).

Open exam in Safe Exam Browser

    1. If Safe Exam Browser is not already installed, it is possible to do this by clicking on “Download”. Links to download are also available on the right of this page.
      Download Safe Exam Browser
  1. Enter the password for a12345 Safe Exam Browser (1), and then click OK (2).

SEB password

  1. Here is information about the demo exam being conducted in a secure browser. Click on the “Open exam” button.
    Click on the Open exam button.
  2. Click through the different question types and try to answer some of them. Navigate
    forward and backward with the arrows at the bottom right (1). Click the button (2) to
    go to submission.
  3. Here is a summary of all the questions and how many of them you have
    answered (1). Click on ”Submit” (2) to submit the demo exam. No answers are saved
    because the demo exam is only set up to give the opportunity to test Inspera on your
    own computer.
    Overview page
  4. Now you have completed the demo exam with a secure browser and submitted it. Click
    “Exit Safe Exam Browser” to exit the secure browser.
    Exit SEB

Windows: Install Safe Exam Browser

This guide describes how to install Safe Exam Browser on a computer running Windows operating system.

Safe Exam Browser is a secure browser used in the implementation of the digital exams in Inspera. The secure browser locks your computer so that only the exam content and any permitted resources can be displayed at the time of the exam.

On the page “E-examination on campus with Inspera” on the student website, there is more information on how a digital exam is done.

    1. Open your browser and go to the URL https://umu.inspera.com/
    2. Click on “Log in with Umu-id”
      Inspera log in
    3. Click on “Demo tests” and then click on “Click here to get ready” to proceed to the Safe Exam Browser download link.
      Inspera demoexam
    4. Scroll down the page and click the “Download” button.
      Download SEB
    5. Click on the button “Windows” to download Safe Exam Browser.
      Download SEB
    6. Once the download is complete, go to the Downloads folder in File Explorer and double-click the installer file.
      SEB installation file
    7. Click on the “Install” button to start the installation.
      Install SEB
    8. Click the “Close” button to close the installer when the installation is complete.
      Install SEB
    9. Now the installation of the Safe Exam Browser program is complete.

Remember that the program should never be started independently, but is always opened by starting an exam via a standard web browser, after logging in to Inspera https://umu.inspera.com/