Anti-spam UmU
/in Email, Employee, EnglishOn a normal day, the university receives a few million emails, most of which are stopped immediately because the server/address that sent the email has been classified as someone who sends spam. The remaining mail is then analyzed and approx. 10,000 are then classified as spam and stored in the user’s spam quarantine. About 5,000 are classified as phishing. In the end, about 82,000 emails get through.
Of the 10,000 e-mails that are classified as spam, there may be some of these that are correct e-mails but for some reason classified as spam. A likely cause is mail with only links and from mail domains that have not received high trust scores before (e.g. have sent spam or come from a new server).
How to use the filter
If you are missing any mail or want to verify what is in the quarantine go to the following link:
Log in with your Umu ID and password.
You will then see a list of all the emails that are in quarantine.
Mail in quarantine will sit there 30 days before they are removed.
You can mark the mail(s) that are not spam and choose to “release” them and ‘whitelist’ the sender so that they do not get stuck in the SPAM filter again, or ‘blacklist’ them and these mails will never come into your inbox.
Initially, a mail will be sent every day if there are new messages in your quarantine.
Clear cache files in your web browser
/in Employee, English, StudentHow to clear browser cache, cookies and history in Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Mobile Safari and Android.
Change or reset Password on Umu-id (Employee)
/in BankID, Employee, English, Freja eID+, Umu-idManual to help you reset your password.
Computer Labs
/in English, StudentThere are a few computers around the university that are open for all students to use. These belong to the University Librarys computer labs.
There is also a computer lab in the Medical Library (building 6M NUS)
All other computer labs are the responsibility of individual departments. Students of those respective departments have access to these labs. To have access to these labs requires that your UmU-card has the correct permissions. UmU-cards can be updated for permissions by the appropriate House Services department. The only exception is for the MIT-building which is administered by Study Administrators.
Booking group rooms at Universum
/in English, StudentBooking
Universum has a few group rooms available that you as a student can book.
Group rooms are booked via the University library’s homepage.
To be able to see the booking page surf to
To be able to book a group room you need a student email to confirm your booking. If you need an email, contact Servicedesk.
Access after hours
Everyone that has a UmU-card at the university should automatically have access to group rooms at Universum after working hours. if this does not work for you, please contact House Services Department in order to gain access.
For questions about group rooms, please contact the Library personal.
How do I get access to Microsofts developers tools?
/in Employee, English, StudentUmeå universitet gives active students access to MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (has replaced MS Imagine), containing the most common development tools from Microsoft. The use is for scientific/technical studies or evaluation for this purpose. You will e.g. not get access to MS Office.
The Windows versions accessible through MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching are there to facilitate access to use the development applications. Please note that MS Windows at MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is not allowed to be installed on a computer where there is no license for a full version of Windows.
See more information from Microsoft about MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching:
Here you can reach MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching:
As a doctoral student, teacher and researcher at Umeå University, you can also access MS Azure Dev Tools for Teaching if the software is only used in research and learning (non-commercial or productive purpose).
Logging in at
/in English, StudentYou can log in to via Swedish Universities with help of your Umu-id.
To login at do the following:
1. Go in to the website and click on the Log in tab in the upper right.
2. Go to Log in with university account and select Umeå University from the drop down list and then click on To Student Portal.
3. You will be redirected to a login page where you are required to login with help of your Umu-id along with accompanying password.
If you don’t remember the password to your student mail
- You can request a new temporary identity via
- The alternative is to visit us at ITS in the MIT-building (remember photo-ID) and get a new temporary identity direct.