Forward calls in Teams

If you can’t or don’t want to receive calls in Teams, you can forward your calls in a few different ways.

Select the “Do not disturb” status

Select the “Do Not Disturb” status to forward calls and temporarily turn off notifications.

Click on your profile in the upper right corner, then click on the status and select “Do not disturb”.

Do not disturb status

Under “Duration” you can choose how long you want the status to be displayed.

In your Calls settings in Teams, you decide what happens in case of unanswered calls, by default the call goes to voicemail.

Choose to forward calls

In the Calls settings in Teams, you can choose “Forward my calls” and what happens when forwarding, for example forwarding to voicemail.

Forward calls in Teams

Remember to change the setting back when you want to be available again.

In case of longer absence, for example vacation or leave of absence

If you have scheduled yourself as “Out of office” in your calendar in Outlook, you will also appear with the status “Out of office” in Teams.

You can supplement your absence in Teams with a status message. Click on your profile in the upper right corner and then select “Set status message”. You can also choose how long the message should be displayed.

When you’re away from Teams, your calls are directed to voicemail by default.

Out of office greeting in Teams

In the Calls settings in Teams, under “Configure voicemail”, you can enter your own out of office greeting and choose when you want it to be played, for example when you have an auto-reply in Outlook or an out of office event in your calendar.

Import publications to DiVA

To simplify registration in DiVA, you can import information about publications from other databases (such as Pubmed and Scopus). You can also import publication lists from ORCID into DiVA, and vice versa.

Search by title before you import

Imports sometimes result in duplicate records in DiVA. Therefore, you must first check if your publications are already registered in DiVA by searching in DiVA for the publication title or your name.

Search in DiVA

You can edit an already registered record if you want to change something (for example, add your Umu-id). If the record is locked for editing, you should contact a DiVA administrator at your department in the first instance. Secondly, you can contact the library.

If you are going to import many publications, you can check for duplicates during and after the import. See step 5 and the end of this manual for how to do this.


Import to DiVA

1. Search and export your publications

Start by searching and exporting your publications from a suitable database. When exporting information from databases, you will need to select the format for the export. The following reference file formats can be used in DiVA:

  • BibLaTex
  • BibTex
  • EndNote XML
  • ISI
  • MODS
  • RIS

Here you can read about how it works in some of the most common databases:

  1. Do a search and select the records you want to import. You can also change the number of hits or click “all on page”. It is also possible to select “250 forward”.
  2. Select Export, and from the list, select MODS.
Endnote Desktop
  1. Open Endnote and select all the references you want to import.
  2. Select File > Export
  3. Select XML as a file format and Output style = Show all fields. The file is saved on your computer.

Endnote Online

If you are using Endnote Online, it is not possible to export to the XML file format. Instead, do the following:

  1. Select the references you want to export from your library and save them to the Quick List or a folder.
  2. Go to Format > Export references.
  3. Under References, select Quick List or the folder of references you want to export.
  4. Select either BibTex Export or RefMan (RIS) Export as the export style.
  1. Do a search and select the records you want to import.
  2. Click on Export and then Citations above the list of results.
  3. Select Format: RIS and Include: Citation & Abstract.
  4. Click on Export.

From your ORCID profile you can export publications to DiVA. You can choose to either export all records or select the records you want to export. Here is how you import to DiVA:

  1. Click on the Actions button under the “Works” heading.
  2. Click on Export (all) works when you have selected records and then on Export selected works to BibTex.
  3. Save the file (file extension .bib).

a) Import single publications

You can import individual publications from Pubmed into DiVA using the Pubmed ID (PMID). Search for your publications in Pubmed so that you have the PMID at hand for the import in step 3.

b) Import multiple publications

You can import multiple publications from Pubmed into DiVA using a reference management software:

  1. Select Send to in the hit list and then Citation manager.
  2. Open the downloaded file in the reference management software of your choice.
  3. Export the references in the BibTex or RIS format.
  4. Import the file into DiVA, as usual. See step 3.
  1. Do a search and select the records you want to import.
  2. Click on Export above the list of results.
  3. Select RIS Format. Check Citation information, Bibliographical information and Abstract & keywords (all boxes below should be ticked).
  4. Click on Export.
  1. Do a search and select the desired records. You can choose to either mark all hits, mark the entries on the page displayed or select entries within a specific number range (via the “Add to marked list” button).
  2. Click on the Export button above the hit list. Select the format Plain text file.
  3. You will see the box “Export Records to Plain Text File”. Here you select Full record.
  4. Click on Export.


2. Save the file

If you don’t get a question about where to save the exported file, it is usually found in the Downloaded files folder on your computer.

3. Import

Before performing the import to DiVA, you need to log in to the DiVA Administration interface.

  1. Log in to DiVA with your Umu-id.
  2. Select the Import references entry.
  3. Click on the Import from external databases button (top right).

The import references view in Diva

a) Import single Pubmed records with PMID

To import single publications from Pubmed, enter the publication’s PMID in the PubMedID field and click Import. You can only import one publication at a time using this feature.

b) Importing with an exported file

Select the format from the list before importing it if you have exported a file. For the databases described in step 1, select the following format:

  • DiVA of another institution: MODS V3
  • Endnote: Endnote XML
  • Endnote Online: RIS or BibTex
  • ORCID: BibTex
  • Other reference management software: RIS or BibTex
  • Scopus: RIS
  • Web of Science: ISI

Then select the saved export file to upload it to DiVA.

View on two different fields for importing references in Diva

4. Confirm the import

When the file is uploaded in DiVA, you will get a message that the file upload was successful. Click on Import.

5. Review the imported records

The imported records are listed. If you have imported a publication already registered in DiVA with a DOI or any other identifier, it will appear as a duplicate in the list. You can delete the duplicate from the import list (the already registered record remains in DiVA).

Click on a record to go to the registration form. Check the data for each publication carefully. Please use the manual on how to register a scholarly publication:

Register scholarly publication in DiVA

  • Publication type, and Subcategory if applicable.
  • Author information – connect to authority record or enter Umu-id for Umu-affiliated authors. Enter the affiliation stated in the publication.
  • Content type (Refereed, Other academic, Other).
  • National subject category – browse from the subject tree or use the “Suggestion for national subject category” function.
  • Abstract. Please check that paragraphing, etc., looks as in the publication.


On the next page, you can choose to upload a full text of the publication. Then click on Continue.

6. Submit

  • On the last page of the registration form, you will get an overview of the information for that publication. You can go back and edit the form if you want to add or change anything.
  • Once you have checked the information, click on Submit.
  • If you have imported several publications, you will now return to the import list and can review the next entry.

A registered publication will be visible in DiVA within a few minutes. However, it can take up to 24 hours for new publications to appear on the staff and department pages.

Check for duplicate records

Did you check if the publications were registered in DiVA before importing them? If not, you need to ensure that your import did not cause duplicate records. The automatic duplicate check described in step 5 only catches records with the same identifiers, which are sometimes missing. Contact the library if you are unsure.

  1. Go to “Edit / Delete record” in DiVA administration.
  2. Search for either a name or Umu-id.
  3. Sort the publications by title.
  4. If you have accidentally registered a duplicate, you can delete it yourself by clicking on the checkbox on the right.


Publication lists in ORCID

ORCID is a unique identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. Your ORCID profile allows you to collect your publications as well as other information, such as awards, funding, and other research outputs (e.g. research data or code). If you do not already have an ORCID account, you can register for one by going to Create your ORCID iD.

Importing records from DiVA to ORCID

You can easily import records from DiVA into ORCID to keep your ORCID profile up to date. Keep in mind that you may need to adjust the type and other details of each record afterwards.

  1. Go to Create feeds in DiVA.
  2. Enter your Umu-id in the search field “Person, id”.
  3. At the bottom of the page is “Select format and sort”. Here you select the format BibTex.
  4. Choose how many records you want to export under “Number of hits”. It is pre-set to 50 records, but you can choose up to 9,999 records.
  5. Click on Create link and copy the link generated under “Search link”.
  6. Paste the link in a new tab in the browser address bar and press Enter. A BibTex file will be created.
  7. Save the file created.
  8. Log in to your ORCID account.
  9. Click on Add under the heading “Works”. Select Add BibTex.
  10. Click on Choose BibTex file to import and select the saved BibTex file. Note that if the file you saved has the extension “.txt”, you must select “All files” in the drop-down list for it to be displayed.
  11. Select Select all to import all records, or select the records you want to import. Click on Import works to your record.
  12. You can edit the information about the imported records and complete it if anything is missing. In addition, you can choose whether the records should be available to everyone, only to selected people, or only to you.

How to import from DiVA to ORCID:

  1. Go to Create feeds in DiVA.
  2. Enter your Umu-id in the search field “Person, id”.
  3. At the bottom of the page is “Select format and sort”. Here you select the format BibTex.
  4. Choose how many records you want to export under “Number of hits”. It is pre-set to 50 records, but you can choose up to 9,999 records.
  5. Click on Create link and copy the link generated under “Search link”.
  6. Paste the link in a new tab in the browser address bar and press Enter. A BibTex file will be created.
  7. Save the file created.
  8. Log in to your ORCID account.
  9. Click on Add under the heading “Works”. Select Add BibTex.
  10. Click on Choose BibTex file to import and select the saved BibTex file. Note that if the file you saved has the extension “.txt”, you must select “All files” in the drop-down list for it to be displayed.
  11. Select Select all to import all records, or select the records you want to import. Click on Import works to your record.
  12. You can edit the information about the imported records and complete it if anything is missing. In addition, you can choose whether the records should be available to everyone, only to selected people, or only to you.

Contact the library

Contact the library if you have any questions about DiVA. Select Publishing, theses and research data as the subject area.

Contact the library

Create a board view in Microsoft Lists

Lists is a tool in Microsoft 365 where you can create, share, and track lists. In this manual we describe how you create a board view.

Observe that the appearance can differ whether you are using Mac or Windows.

Create board view

  1. Go to your chosen list in Microsoft Lists you want to create a board view in.
  2. Choose All objects in the menu bar and then Create new view.
    Image showing how to choose "All items" i Microsoft lists
  3. Now you see the window where you can edit and create you new view:
    1. Add the name you want for your board view.
    2. Then choose Board
    3. Choose how you want to organize your board by clicking the arrow to the right in this field. If you don’t already have any completed columns, it will automatically create a column that is named choice1. If you have completed columns, choose the column you want to organize you board view by (Example: by location, status, or date). Your board view will then be sorted and structured by how you have organized your board.
    4. If you want your list to be public for others, you tic this box. If you want it to be private, you keep this box empty. If you choose to make it private, you are the only one who can see and edit the board.
    5. When you are ready, click Create.
    Image showing how to create and edit your board view
  4. Now your Board view is showing, and here you can Add new buckets and manage your current buckets. You can place your objects to the bucket they belong to and add more object by clicking the Plus-sign in the right corner of each bucket.
    Image showing your board view

Download and install Microsoft 365

Information on how to download and install the Microsoft 365 desktop suite.

Remote support with ITS

Information on how to prepare for remote support via TeamViewer.

Delete groups in Microsoft 365

Delete groups in the tool 

You can delete groups in the respective tools where the group is located, such as Planner, SharePoint, and Teams. Note that if you delete a group, you delete everything that belongs to the group. For example, if you delete a group in Planner, you delete the SharePoint site and possibly the Team that belongs to the group. 

Delete group in Planner

  1. Go to Hubben – Planner (, it lists all planners you have authorization to. 
  2. To delete, go under the three dots and select Plan settings.
  3. At the bottom of the Plan Settings dialog window, you can find the button to delete the group.

Delete group in SharePoint

  1. It’s not easy to find all of your SharePoint sites. That’s why you need to search for them, and you can do so with the following link that includes a search query: SharePoint
  2. Select the site you want to administrate. If you are an owner, then under the gear you will receive website information. At the bottom of that window is the Delete option.

Skärmdump site information Sharepoint

Delete group in Teams 

  1. Go to your Teams client and select Team on the menu to the left.
  2. In the listing of teams, you can click on the three dots of the desired team. If you are the owner, you have the option of clicking on Delete team at the bottom of the menu.

Delete one specific team in Teams

Administrate groups through Outlook (Office 365)

If you’ve moved your email to Office 365, you can easily administer the groups you belong to or own through Outlook.

  1. Open Outlook and go to your email box.
  2. Select Groups on the menu to the left.
  3. It lists the groups that you have permission to and that are configured to be visible in Outlook.
  4. Select Group, then open Group Settings in the top menu. In the menu presented, you can administer your group.

Skärmdump som visar Gruppinställningar i Outlook

Install eduroam manually

A collection of guides for different operating systems on how to connect to eduroam manually.