Entries by Maja Wik

Digital signature with eduSign

With the service eduSign you can upload and digitally sign PDF- and XML documents. The service is provided by SUNET and is available for all employees at Umeå University with an Umu-id. The first time you’re logging in Save the document that you want to sign on your computer. Save it as a PDF or […]

Log in with multifactor authentication, Freja eID+ and Microsoft Authenticator

This manual shows how to log in with multifactor authentication at Umeå Universitys system. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a service that gives you increased protection when logging in to some of the university’s systems. With multi-factor authentication, you log in in two steps, which gives you extra layer of protection on top of your Umu-id […]

Accept apply for guest account

When an external person applies for a guest account, they must name a host. The host needs to confirm the apply, and then send it to the head of department so they can accept or deny. This manual shows how the host do to confirm the apply, and also how the head of department accept […]

Apply for guest account with BankID or Freja eID+

As a guest at Umeå university you can apply for a guest account if you have BankID or Freja eID+ and a Swedish personal identity number. Go to administrationsverktyg.umu.se/gastkonton/home Click on Apply. Choose if you want to apply using BankID or Freja eID+ When you’re logged in you’ll see your personal information from BankID or […]

Freja eID+

Freja eID+ is a government approved digital ID card that you can use on some services and system at the university. The use of Freja eID+ as method for legitimation opens up the possibility to self-service and means more independence. This manual shows how to log in to Umeå University’s systems with Freja eID+.    […]

Make a branch in Forms

When you create your forms and tests, you can choose to branch questions. This means that the current questions belongs or depends on another questions in the quiz. Open the form where you want to make a branch. Choose the questions that you want to branch, click on the three little dots and then Add […]

Work with multiple organizations in Teams

If you work in multiple organizations that use Teams (for example Umeå University and Region Västerbotten) and want to use Teams for each organization, these are instructions that may facilitate your work. One way to make it easier when you’re a member of multiple organizations is to use different interfaces for different organizations. For example, […]

Calendar view in Microsoft Lists

Use Microsoft Lists to create a simple list of events, and then add the calendar view. Create a new list Create a new list as a blank list and create all columns from scratch. You can save it to a SharePoint site that you have access to. From the List app, select +New list. If […]

How to use Microsoft Lists

This manual describes the different uses for Microsoft Lists and how to create your lists. Microsoft List is an app in Microsoft 365 that helps you sort your information and organize your work. In Lists you can see favorites, recently worked lists, search all your lists, create new lists, customize colors and icons for the […]

Change settings for shared files in Microsoft 365

To share files/folders, change settings for sharing or stop sharing files/folders in Microsoft 365 you can use m365.umu.se. There you can choose if you want to share files/folders from SharePoint (i.e., Teams) or OneDrive. This manual shows you how to do it in SharePoint, but the same settings work for OneDrive as well.  Open m365.umu.se […]