Create a form or quiz in Forms

In this manual we decribe how to create a form or quiz in Forms. 

  1. Open your browser, go to and sign in with your Umu-id.
  2. Select Forms in the menu to the left.
    Image showing where to find Forms
  3. Select New quiz to create a quiz, or New Form to create a form.
    Image showing how to create a quiz or form
  4. A new window will open. Click on the text in the title to change the title of the form. Then click on “Quick start with” to get started on you questions.
    Image showing how to change the title of the form, and add questions

Share a form or quiz to collaborate in Forms

In this manual we show you how to share a forms or quiz to collaborate. If you want to share a form or quiz as a template (i.e., dublicate the form) see this manual: Share a form as a template in Forms

  1. Open the form/quiz you want to collaborate on with others.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner, then select Collaborate or Duplicate.
  3. Select Get a link to view and edit below the headline Share to Collaborate.
  4. A link will be created, but before you copy it you can select the arrow to decide the permissions.
    Share to collaborate
  5. Select who will have access to the form/quiz. The ones you choose will be able to both view and edit it.
    • Choose Users with an Office 365 work or school account can view and edit if you want to share to everyone (regardless of organization) who has an Office 365 work or school account.
    • Choose People in my organization can view and edit if you want to share to someone at Umeå University.
    • Choose Specific people in my organization can view and edit if you want to share to specific people at Umeå University. Then, you will have to enter their name, email address or a group.
      Check premissions before share to collaborate
  6. Select Copy and send the link to the people you wish to collaborate with.
    Share to collaborate - select copy

Most common Excel problems in LimeSurvey

The following is a list of the most common problems with Excel in LimeSurvey.

Editing a .csv

It is NOT recommended to use Excel to edit .csv files becaue Excel does changes in the data structure of a .csv file which will result in a fail during your import.   It is recommended to use Libre office or some other open source program that does not make changes to the internal data source.

Export fails

If your Excel export fails when exporting a .csv file in LimeSurvey try to clear the browser cache and all cookies. Also make sure to export the file with semicolon as the separator.

Modifying your responses before you Import back into LimeSurvey

In order to do multiple changes in a document that includes responses, sometimes you want to open the file in Excel, and do the changes before import/export.  Remember never to change the top 2 lines!  It is recommended to make your changes in a text file when saving.  if you save it as a .csv file.  Excel will by default save as a comma-delimited file and that cannot be imported back into LimeSurve.  By saving your changes as a .txt file you can import them back into LimeSurvey.

Change standard method for login (MFA)

If you want to change your standard method for login, you can change it with this method.

  1. Visit the website Microsoft Safety info.
  2. Click the menu Security info.
    Add method multi-factor authentication
  3. Click on Default sign-in method.
  4. Choose between using a code from you app or getting a notification from the app.
  5. Done!

Add multi-factor authentication on new device (MFA)

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a service that gives you increased protection when logging in to some of the university’s systems. With multi-factor authentication, you log in to the university’s systems in two steps: using your Umu-id and password, and the using the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone or tablet. In this guide, we will describe how to add multi-factor authentication on a new device.

  1. Visit the Microsoft Security info website.
  2. Go to the tab Security info.
  3. Click Add method.
    Add method multi-factor authentication
  4. Click Add in the window that appears.
    Add method Authenticator
  5. You will now be asked to install Microsoft Authenticator on your new unit. If you haven’t already, please download the app to your phone or tablet from Google Play or App Store.
  6. Click Next.
    Install Authenticator on device
  7. In the next screen, click Next.
    Set up account Authenticator
  8. A screen now appears that asks you to scan a QR code. Keep the screen open while you take out your phone.
    Scan Qr code Authenticator
  9. Start the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile or tablet. Note that the images below are from an Iphone but the process looks similar in Android products.
  10. Click on the plus sign in the upper right corner of the screen to add an account.
    Microsoft Authenticator add acount
  11. Select the account type Work or school account (Arbets- eller skolkonto).
    Microsoft Authenticator arbets- eller skolkonto
  12. In the window that appears, select Scan QR Code.
    Microsoft Authenticator adding account
  13. Use your mobile or tablet to scan the QR code shown on the computer screen.
  14. After scanning the code, click Next.
    Scan Qr code Authenticator
  15. A message will be shown, stating that Microsoft Authenticator has been connected to your account. Click Next.
  16. In the next screen you will be asked to test the application. At the same time the Microsoft Authenticator app will receive a notification asking you to accept the login. Click Accept on your mobile/tablet.
    Test the application Authenticator
  17. Your screen will now show a confirmation of the test. Click Next.
    Notification approved Authenticator
  18. You have now activated multifactor authentication for a second device! Your standard login method is set to getting at notification from Microsoft Authenticator but you can change it (link in the right column). Click Done.

Zoom Guides

The zoom guides have moved to an open page in Canvas.

Frequently asked questions about OneDrive

Onedrive FAQ

How do I transfer files to OneDrive?

You can either upload files directly from OneDrive in the portal ( or in OneDrive in windows explorer on your computer by dragging and dropping the files in the folder OneDrive – Umeå University.

Files in OneDrive

Can I create folders in OneDrive?

Yes, you can create folders in OneDrive. Either directly in windows explorer or in OneDrive on the portal (

Can I give a colleague access to a file in my OneDrive?

Yes, you can share files or folders with a colleague. If you share a document, the colleague will have access to the latest version. This means that if you change the document, the colleague will also see it without you having to send the document again.

You can choose whether the colleague should be able to edit the document or just read it. If you choose to edit it, you will also be able to edit the document at the same time.

Share files and folders

Can I see which files I have shared with others?

Yes, in OneDrive on the portal ( you can see which files you have shared.

See files you shared in OneDrive

Can I see which files others have shared with me?

Yes, in addition to receiving an email when someone has shared a file with you, you can see in OneDrive on the portal ( which files others have shared with you.

See files shared with you in OneDrive

Can I stop sharing a document?

Yes, in OneDrive  you can stop sharing a document.

Stop sharing files in OneDrive

What happens if I accidentally delete a file in my OneDrive?

If you accidentally delete files in your OneDrive, it is possible to restore them. The files can be restored from the OneDrive trash via the portal ( for 30 days. In the instruction below you can find information about how to restore your files.

Restore deleted files or folders in OneDrive

After 30 days, the files are placed in a secondary trash can for 60 days before disappearing. You can find a link to your secondary trash at the bottom of the page of your OneDrive trash.

Your files are stored in the recycle bin for a total of 90 days. The same applies to files in Teams or shared libraries.

Where are the files physically stored?

The files you store in OneDrive are stored in Microsoft Datacenter. Umeå University has decided that all data will be stored within Europe.

Can I use OneDrive if I use a Mac?

Yes, you can use OneDrive if you use a Mac.

Inviting multiple users to a team in Teams

Here are two tips on how to invite members to join a team themselves. Note that these options only work for users with an account at Umeå University.

Invite with a code

All teams have a code that can be used to join the team. The person using the code will join the team immediately. Please note that only people with Umu accounts can connect with a code and that everyone that has access to the code can connect with the team without your permission.

Get the team code

  1. Go to your team. Select the three dots to the right of the team name.
  2. Click Manage Teams.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams
  3. Go to Settings.
  4. Select Team Code.Invite Multiple Users Teams 2
  5. Click Generate to generate the code that you can copy and share to the people you want to invite to your team.

Join teams with a code

  1. Go to Microsoft Teams and select the Team tab.
  2. Click Join or create a team.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams 3
  3. In the next  screen you will get the option to create a team or join with a code. Paste the code to join the team.
    Invite Multiple Users Teams 4

Invite with link

You can also invite members to your team by sending them a link to the team. With this alternative, the owner of the team needs to accept or deny access to the team.

  1. Go to your team. Select the three dots to the right of the team name.
  2. Click on Get link to team.
    Invite multiple users Teams 5
  3. You will then receive a link to copy and send to the members.
    Copy link to invite team members Teams
  4. When they click on the link they can ask to join the team. The owner receives notifications in Teams and by email and can decide to accept or deny access to the team.
  5. You can also find pending request by going to your team, clicking Manage teams and looking in the Pending requests tab.

Frequently asked questions about Teams

Meetings in Teams

How many people can you see at the same time during a meeting in Teams?

It is possible to see 49 people at a time during a meeting.

Does the meeting automatically end when the meeting goes over time?

No, the meeting only ends when someone chooses to end the meeting or all participants have left it.

How many can participate in a Team Meeting?

250 people can attend a meeting.

Can I book a Teams meeting via Outlook?

Yes, you can schedule a Teams meeting directly in Outlook. To do this, you need to have Teams installed on your computer.

Can I raise my hand during a Teams meeting?

Yes, it is possible to raise your hand during a meeting.

Raising your hand during a Teams meeting

Can I use Whiteboard during a Teams meeting?

Yes, you can use Whiteboard during a Teams meeting. To start a whiteboard, click the share screen button. Once you click there, you can select Whiteboard.

If you want more features, it is recommended to download Microsoft Whiteboard to your computer.

Frequently asked questions about Whiteboard

Can I moderate a meeting in Teams?

Yes, you can choose to mute participants’ microphones, invite more participants or remove participants during an ongoing meeting. You can also choose whether participants should have the opportunity to activate their microphone during the meeting and whether the chat should be available.

Can I set up a lobby for Teams meetings?

Yes. You can choose to exclude all, external or none at all. You as the creator of the meeting will always be able to join the meeting.

Change participant settings for a Teams meeting

Is it possible to divide the meeting into breakout rooms?

Yes, it is possible to divide the meeting into smaller groups (breakout rooms). Only the booker of the meeting can create breakout rooms.

Can I invite an entire team to a meeting?

Yes, if you book the meeting via Teams, you can add the meeting to a channel in a team.

Schedule a meeting in Teams

Can I record a meeting?

Yes, if you click on the three dots in a meeting, you can choose to record it. It is important that you always inform the participants beforehand so that they can decide whether it is okay to be recorded or not. All participants in the meeting will get a popup telling them that the meeting is being recorded.

Record a meeting in Teams


What is the difference between a private and a public team?

There are some differences between having a private and a public team.

Private team: A private team is only available to the people you invite or approve. In most cases, you should choose a private team.

Public team: A public team is available to everyone at Umeå University. This means that when someone searches for teams, they can find your team in a list and can then join without your approval. All files and content in a team is searchable for members of a team.

Both students and staff can see and join public teams.

How many channels can I create?

You can create 200 standard channels and 30 private channels in a team.

What is a private channel?

A private channel is only available to the people you specify should have access to the channel. The people must be participants in the team. It does not work to only invite one person to a private channel but not to the team in general.

Create a private channel

Can everyone in a team create channels?

It depends on the attribute set by the team owner. Under Manage teams the team owner can choose whether a member can create and delete channels. There are also more settings that can be customized.

Manage team settings and permissions in Teams

When I create a team, what type should I use?

Of the four options provided (Class, PLC, Personal, Other), the last type “Other” is to be used. This is without formatting and gives you the opportunity to build your team completely according to your needs.

What is the difference between being an owner and a member of a team?

An owner of a team is the one who administrates the team. The owner can add and remove members and decide what the members should have permissions to do in a team. It is possible to have several owners of a team.

Adding members and changing ownership in Teams

What happens if someone accidentally deletes a file?

If someone accidentally deletes files in a team, the files can be downloaded from the team’s trash in SharePoint, where they are stored for 30 days. After 30 days, the files are placed in a secondary trash can for 60 days before disappearing. Your files are stored in the Trash for 90 days.

Delete and restore files in Teams

What is the difference between Chat and Posts in a Team?

The chat function allows you to communicate with individual colleagues or groups in text and conversation.

To create areas for collaboration, you are recommended to create a team. The conversations under Posts in the team are visible to everyone in the team and unlike in the chat, the conversations are tied together in threads to keep the current topic together.

In the chat, you communicate in a constant flow while conversations under Posts in teams are divided into threads for easier follow-up in the collaboration. You can use the chat for everyday talk and short conversations, while Posts in teams can be seen as a more formal forum.

Can I move files to another channel or team?

Yes, you can move files. Click on the three dots and then choose Move. You can also open the files in Sharepoint for easier handling of the files.

Can I create “subchannels”?

No, you can only create channels in a team.

Can I change the name of a team?

Yes, it is possible to change the name of a team. Keep in mind that all teams get their own SharePoint site, these cannot be renamed. This means that when you change the name of your team in Teams, this is just a display name. The SharePoint site will still retain the original name.

Can I rename a channel?

Yes, it is possible to rename a channel. To do this, click on the three dots and then Edit this channel. Here, too, the original name will remain in the associated document library in SharePoint.

Why are the team files in SharePoint?

When you create a team, a Sharepoint is also created in the background. The files are technically stored in SharePoint, but you can manage them directly in Teams. Sharepoint makes it possible to share files in Microsoft 365.

Can I invite an external participant to Teams?

You can add external people as a guest in Teams. Anyone who has an email account, such as Outlook, Gmail or similar, can join your team as a guest.

Add guests to your team

What can an external participant (guest) do in a team?

A guest can do everything that other participants in a team can do, except add tabs. The owner of the team can also set whether the guest should be allowed to create channels or not in a team.

Manage team settings and permissions in Teams

Can you add AD groups to a team?

No, this is not possible at present. We hope to be able to offer this in the future.

Why do I not have the AutoSave feature in Word?

It depends on which version of the office suite you have. If you download Office from the portal (, you will have the opportunity to use Save automatically in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Can I create folders for files?

Yes, you can build your folder structure just like on your computer. Create folders in the file area for each channel exactly as you want.

Is there any difference to edit from the desktop app or directly in teams?

In the desktop app, you have the opportunity to do more advanced functions. Otherwise, it’s the same thing to edit directly in the Teams or desktop app. If you choose to open in the desktop app and save, it will be saved automatically in the team, so you do not need to download a copy, and all members will have access to your changes.

If you work in the desktop app at the same time as your colleagues, we recommend that you download the Office package from the portal so that you get the function “Save automatically”. You will then, just like in the web, see where your colleagues edit (otherwise you need to save regularly for your colleagues to see your changes).

How do I get notified that something is happening in Teams?

You can set notifications in general for the entire program.

You can also set notifications for specific channels in a team. You can choose how you want to be notified for each channel.

Can students use Microsoft Teams?

Yes, students have access to Microsoft 365.

Can I view previous versions of a document?

Yes, you can see previous versions and even revert to previous versions if you want.

View previous versions of a document

Can I move posts between different teams or channels?

No, unfortunately it is not possible to move posts between different teams or channels.


Can I have a chat with several people?

Yes, it is possible to create a chat with several people. Enter the names one after another when starting a new chat. You can also invite more people to an existing chat by clicking on the plus icon in the top right corner.

Start a chat in Teams

Can I delete a chat?

Yes, you can delete a chat, it will be permanently deleted for you, but not for the person you are chatting with. You can however delete your own instant messages, but only one at a time. To delete a message, click on the three dots on your message and then click on Delete.

Can I leave a chat?

Yes, you can choose to exit a chat by clicking on the three dots that appear if you move the mouse pointer to the chat name and then click Leave.