Add and remove members from a SharePoint teamsite

In this manual, we’ll show you how to add and remove members from a SharePoint team site. Note that you must be the owner of the SharePoint team site to add and remove members.

  1. Go to the SharePoint team site you want to add or remove members.
  2. Click on members in the right corner below your profile.
    add or remove members from a sharepoint group - click on members
  3. Click Add members to add new members to the SharePoint group. (A new box comes up, type in the email address of the person you want to invite).
  4. Click on the Arrow below the person you want to remove, and then select Remove from Group.
    view on where to add or remove members from a sharepoint group

Prepare and create Breakout rooms before a Teams meeting

In this manual, we describe how you as a meeting organizer use breakout rooms in Teams to create meaningful discussions and exchange of ideas. **Observe** that to use Breakout rooms, you need to use the Desktop application for Teams.


We recommend that you prepare your Breakout rooms before the Teams meeting. It is only the meeting organizer (the person sending out the booking) who can do this. (You can create your Breakout rooms directly in the Teams meeting – see this manual). To prepare the Breaout rooms before the meeting, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Teams calendar and double-click the meeting booking that you want to create group rooms within.
    eams calendar and double-click the meeting booking that you want to create group rooms within.
  2. Click Breakout rooms. (If you don’t see a Breakout rooms, click more and select Breakout room)
  3. Click on Create room
    Click Breakout rooms and create rooms
  4. Click the Arrow and select how many rooms you want and than click Add Rooms. (You can change the number of rooms later, don’t worry).
    Click the Arrow and select how many rooms you want and than click Add Rooms.
  5. Now it is time to assign participants in the rooms you’ve created. Click Assign Attendees.
    assign participants in the rooms you've created. Click Assign Attendees.
  6. Select Automatically to automaticly assign particpants to the number of rooms (in this case, 2 rooms) you’ve created.
  7. Select Manually to choose which room the participants should be in.
  8. Click Next
    Select Automatic to automatically or manually assigning atendees
  9. If you selected automatically go to point 12.
  10. If you chose manually, then it is now time to choose which room the people should be in. All people invited to the meeting are gathered in a list. Select the check box next to the person, and then click the Arrow, and then select which room.
    Assign participants to break outs
  11. Continue the same way with the other people, and then click Assign. It might look like this:
    Assign participants to break outs, select assign when ready
  12. Now are your rooms ready to use. However, before we will show you how to start the rooms during the Teams meeting, here are some more tips on how to make the rooms better.

Other smart settings before the meeting starts

After you have assigned people you can set more settings, change the number or remove rooms, and rename the rooms.


  1. Click the settings-icon
  2. Click here to assign presenters in the meeting who can help you start, add, or delete people in the breakout rooms during the teams meeting. (A list comes up, type the name of the person you want help from).
  3. Click here to set a specific time limit on the group rooms. (You can select the time in the list below).
  4. Click here to move people automatically to rooms when you click start room in the teams meeting (We recommend that you have this turned on. This means that the people in the rooms are automatically sent out to their rooms when you click “Open” to start the rooms during the teams meeting).
  5. Click here to allow the others to return to the main meeting. (For example, if they want to ask you questions in the main meeting room).Breakout rooms settings view

Add more, remove and renamne rooms

  1. Click here to add more rooms
  2. Click here to remove rooms
  3. Click on three dots and edit to rename the room
    Add more, remove and rename rooms

During the Teems meeting

In the Teams meeting, it’s now time to start the rooms. This only takes a few seconds to do since you have already prepared the rooms.

  1. Click on Room-icon. (**Note** If there are people who joined the meeting after you created the rooms, the people will appear above the Assign Attendees button. Then click Assign Attendees and choose which room that person will be in).
  2. Click Open. (The rooms will then open and it will take about 10 seconds before everyone is sent out to their rooms).
    Start breakout rooms during teams meeting
  3. As a meeting organizer – you who are the owner of the meeting and started the Breakout rooms will stay in the main meeting and the people you have chosen will be sent out into the rooms. To send a message to everyone in the rooms click on the trumpet icon and write your message. For example, “5 minutes left.”.
    make an announcement to the other people in the breakout rooms
  4. You can also assist the people in the rooms or hear how they are doing by joining a specific room. Select the room you want to join and click three dots and Connect to Room.
    join specific breakout room as meeting organizer
  5. It will then look like this. You will have two teams meetings running at the same time. Room 1 (the left) is active and the main meeting (the right) becomes On hold.
  6. Click Leave under Room 1 to leave the Breakout room.
  7. Click Resume on the main meeting to start the main meeting again.
  8. Click Close to close all rooms. (It takes about 10 seconds for everyone to return to the main meeting).
    Navigation between main teams room and breakout room as a meeting organizer

Create and delete news posts in SharePoint

In this manual, we show you how to create and delete news posts in SharePoint. There are two options to create a news post.

Option 1: Create a news post

  1. Go to and open SharePoint
  2. Click on Create a news post 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose create news post
  3. A menu will open at the left side of the screen. Choose where (a sharepoint gorup) you want to publish the news post.
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose sharepoint group
  4. Create your post (for more information to create a post click here)

Option 2 – Create a news post

  1. Open the SharePoint site where you want to publish the news post.
  2. Select New and then News post. 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose SharePoint site - new - news post
  3. Choose a template and then select Create post. 
    Create news posts in sharepoint - choose template
  4. Create your post (for more information on how to create a post click here)

Delete a news post

  1. Open the SharePoint site and select Pages in the left menu.
    delete your news post - select sharepoint site and pages
  2. Select the news post (page) you want to delete and select Delete in the upper menu.
    delete your news post - select sharepoint site and delete



Find your shared files in OneDrive

In this manual, we’ll show you how to find the files you share with others through OneDrive, as well as which files are shared to you to your OneDrive.

  1. Go to and log in with your UmU ID.
  2. In the search box, type OneDrive and klick on OneDrive.
    Office portalen sök onedrive välj onedrive
  3. In the left menu, click Shared.
  4. At first you are in the Shared with you – Here you will see files/folders that others share with you.
    Find your shared files in onedrive - shared tab choose shared with you
  5. Select Shared by you – Here you will see files/folders that you share with others.
    Find your shared files in onedrive - shared tab choose shared by you

Restore a shared document library in SharePoint

In this manual, we’ll show you how to restore a shared document library in SharePoint. If many of your SharePoint or Teams files are deleted, overwritten, corrupted, or infected with malware, you can restore a fully shared library to a previous time.


  1. Go to the SharePoint site you want to restore. Click on the globe, my sites in the menu on the left.
  2. In the list you will see your websites. Choose the site that holds the SharePoint document library that you want to restore. (e.g., Arbetsgrupp)
    restore shared document liberary - chose sharepoint site
  3. (In Microsoft Teams, go to the Files tab at the top of the channel, select three dots, and then click Open in SharePoint.)
  4. When you’re on the SharePoint page you selected, click on Documents in the menu on the left.
    restore shared document liberary - choose documents
  5. Select Settings Icon, and then click Restore library. (Note! If Reset this library doesn’t appear under Settings, you either don’t have permission or you’re looking at a classic library).
    restore shared document liberary - settings and restore this liberary
  6. Click on the arrow and choose for how long you want to restora your liberacy to. (You can restore to a maximum of 29 days ago.)
  7. Choose custom date and time to be specific.
    restore shared document liberary - choose time to restore to
  8. Use the scroll-function to specify time.
  9. Use the other scroll-function to show activity within the document library to identify documents that you may want to restore.
    restore shared document liberary - custom time, choose time
  10. When you are done, scroll down an click on restore.

Digital signature with eduSign

With the service eduSign you can upload and digitally sign PDF- and XML documents. The service is provided by SUNET and is available for all employees at Umeå University with an Umu-id.

The first time you’re logging in

  1. Save the document that you want to sign on your computer. Save it as a PDF or XML.
  2. Go to
  3. The first time you’re using this service you need to fill in the name of the university in the blue field Access through your institution. Type Umeå University.

Upload and sign your document

  1. Login with your Umu-id on eduSigns website.
  2. Click on Browse and choose the document you want to sign, or drag and drop it. Then click Upload.
  3. When the document is uploaded you can choose to preview.
  4. Click Approve to create a digital signature.
  5. A window will appear where you can identify and digitally sign the document. Click on Sign selected documents to approve your signature with your Umu-id and password.
  6. Login with your Umu-id and password.
  7. You will see the document on your screen once it’s signed. Your sign is on the last page in the document.
  8. Click on Download signed document to download it to your computer. It’s important to download it because it will not be saved on eduSign and your login.

Sign a document with several signatures

  1. Follow the instructions for how to upload and sign a document (see above).
  2. Send the document to the next person that’s going to sign.
  3. That person repeats the process, upload and sign.
  4. Then that person sends it to the next person that’s going to sign. This continues until everyone that’s going to sign has signed.

Validate a digitally signed document

To confirm that a digitally signed document is real and authentic and hasn’t been changed after signatures you can use eduSigns validation service.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the document you want do validate.
  3. You will now see informations about the document. Check the Status, if it’s a green circle that says All signatures are valid the document is valid. Otherwise, if it isn’t valid you will see a red circle.

Adobe Acrobat Reader will say that the signature isn’t valid.

Adobe Acrobat Reader will say that the signature isn’t valid when you open it. This is because Adobe Acrobat Reader can’t valid documents from eduSign. You need to use eduSigns own validation service.

Change document liberary view in SharePoint

This manual shows you how to change document library view in SharePoint.

  1. In the SharePoint team site, select the Documents tab from the left menu.
  2. Click All Documents.
    Change document liberary view in SharePoint, documents, all documents,
  3. Select Compact List to make your document library more compact. It looks like this:
    change documentliberary view in sharepoint - compact list
  4. Select Tiles to turn the documents into larger icons. It looks like this:
    change documentliberary view in sharepoint - Tiles
  5. Observe! If you change the view within a document library and click on a folder in the same document library, that view will remain enabled. If you click down/update the Internet window instead, the view will return to the default view, i.e. List. This means that if you want to see your documents in for example a panel view all the time, you need to click All Documents and change each time you open a document library. To get the view by default, you must be the adminstrator of the SharePoint team site – create a new view – select the view and click Set Current View by Default. (See next heading).

Create new view

You can also create your own views and make them public to all members of the SharePoint team site.

  1. Select Create New View
    change documentliberary view in sharepoint - create new view

Dialog box appears.

  1. Type a name for your new view.
  2. Choose whether you want list view, calendar view, or Gallery (panel) view.
  3. Check the box to make it public to other members of the SharePoint team site.
  4. When you’re done, click Create.
    chanAge documentliberary view in sharepoint - create new view - choose type of view
  5. Your views are collected under the same All Documents tab. The image below shows that I have created three views.
  6. Select your view
  7. Click Save view as to save your view.
  8. Click Set current view as default to make the view by default when the SharePoint document library is opened. (Note that you must be an administrator to do this).
  9. Click Edit current view to edit the view (for example, delete view, add, or sort columns).
  10. Click Format current view to format view (for example, row styles and rules).
    Change document liberarty view i SharePoint - document - all document - controll your new view

Make a branch in Forms

When you create your forms and tests, you can choose to branch questions. This means that the current questions belongs or depends on another questions in the quiz.

  1. Open the form where you want to make a branch.
  2. Choose the questions that you want to branch, click on the three little dots and then Add Branching.
  3. Click on the arrow. In de accordion menu that pops up, choose which question you want to branch the question with.
  4. When you’ve chosen, click on Back to keep editing other question or to finish.

Customize settings for files, maps and library in Sharepoint

This manual describes how you as an administrator or owner of a library, list, or survey, can change permissions to let the right people access the data they need while restricting others.

Adjust access to files and maps in SharePoint

If you are the owner of a SharePoint Website you can adjust the settings on maps and files.

  1. Go to the library in SharePoint where you want to adjust the settings.
  2. Click on documents in the left menu.
  3. Mark the files/maps where you want to adjust the settings.
  4. Click on the three dots and then Grant access.

5. A menu to the left will be shown. Scroll down and click on Members and then the arrow.
6.  Choose Can edit if you want the members to be able to make changes.
7.  Choose Can see if you don’t want the members to be able to edit. The members can only see.
8. Choose Stop Share if you want to remove their access to the files or maps.
9.  Choose Advanced if you want to setup advanced settings (For example if you want some of the members to be able to edit, but some of them should only be able to see).


How to setup advanced settings

As administrator or owner to a document library you can adjust the settings on a whole document library so that the right people have access and can edit but the rest who shouldn’t is not able to.

  1. Go to the library where you want to control the settings.
  2. Click on the settings wheel in the right corner and choose Library settings.
  3. Under Permissions and management, chose Permissions for this document library.

  4. You will then be sent to the site Permissions.
  5. A yellow message might pop up. Here we list what the messages mean:

    Some objects in this list may have unique permissions that’s not controlled from your page. Choose This means that one simple object has earlier been shared with others. If you click on Show these objects you will see a list of these objects. You can click on Handle access if you’re the owner and then make the changes that is necessary.
    • There are members with limited access on this site. The members may have limited access if an object or document under the site has been shared with them. This means that if an object has been shared with users, but not the entire list or library, the members permissions is limited to the object that’s been shared with them. Click on Show users to see who they are.
    • When you share an object with a user they will get limited access to the webpage to get full access to the object. If you stop share the object the user will still have limited access to the website (and you will see this message), but they don’t have access to any objects that’s not shared with them.
    • This library inherits permissions from the superior level (name of the library will be shown). This means that the inherit still hasn’t been broken for the list or library. More information on how you do this will follow in this manual.


Stop inheriting permission in Sharepoint

When you break the inherit permissions for a list, library or survey and then define new permission settings for the library, the library will then inherit the objects in it. The objects under the superior object till now get the same settings for permissions and access as the superior object. Do these steps to break the inherit and to share unique permissions instead.

  1. Go to Permissions with help from the steps above.
  2. If you want to break the permissions from the superior object, choose Stop inherit permissions.
  3. A safety box will pop up. Click OK if you want to succeed, or click Stop if you’ve changed your mind.
  4. You have now stopped inheriting the permissions for this document library. The menu Permissions will now get more options.
  5. Click on Delete unique permissions in the same menu if you want to reinstall inherit permissions again.


Assign unique permissions in SharePoint

You need to break inheritance from the superior site before you can grant unique permissions. Once you’ve broken inheritance like we showed above, you follow these steps to grant unique permissions.

  1. Open the library where you want to assign unique permissions.
  2. Go to the site Permissions with help from the steps above.
  3. Choose Grant permissions. (If the list/library inherit from the superior object, this choice will not be shown).
  4. In the Share dialog box make sure the header Invite people is selected. Then you can start to type the names of the people or group you want to grant access to. You can add a personal message if you’d like. Check or uncheck the box Share everything in this folder, even items with unique permissions depending if you want to limit or grant the access to the objects that you already set unique permissions for.
  5. By default, they will get the access to edit. Which means that the people you invite can make changes in the library. If you want to give them another permission level, click on Show options and then Select a permission level. An e-mail will be sent to everyone that’s named in she square Invite people. If you don’t want everyone to receive an email, click on Show options and then uncheck the box Send an email invitation.
  6. When you’ve made all the choices in the Share dialog box, click Share.


Change permissions settings in SharePoint

You need to break the inherit from the superior site before you can change unique permissions. Once you’ve broken the inherit like the steps above you follow these steps to change unique permissions.

  1. Open the library where you want to change permission levels.
  2. Go to the site Permissions for the library.
  3. In the list Names, check the boxes next to the name of the users/group that you want to change access for.
  4. When you’re done, click on Edit user permissions.
  5. Under Permissions, mark the box for the permission level you want for the users/groups you’ve chosen.
  6. Click OK when you’re done.


Remove user permission in SharePoint

To remove permissions from users or groups that you have granted access to, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the library where you want to remove user permissions.
  2. Go to the site Permissions for the list or library (see above if you don’t remember how to).
  3. In the list Name, mark the box next to the name of the user/group that you want to remove permission from.
  4. Choose Remove user permission.
  5. The permission site will be updated and show that the user/group will no longer have permission to the lists.